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Looking for feedback on IrisVR: one click from SketchUp to Virtual Reality


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Hi guys,


I’m a 3D artist and designer at IrisVR (http://www.irisvr.com). Our vision is to create a suite of products that help edit, share and visualize 3D models in Virtual Reality. Our first product converts SketchUp files into the Oculus Rift with 1-click, and we just released our latest and greatest update: IrisVR 0.1.4 (app.irisvr.com). Please sign up if you’re interested; we’re looking for early beta testers.


We have been working hard on improving the app so I am eager to hear your feedback. The product is still in development so your suggestions will influence what features we will support next.


Happy rifting!



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Well thank you guys for the input, as a fellow Max user, I can totally see the value of having support for Max as I also use it for the cleaning up of Revit files and I will mention your suggestions to the rest of the team. In the meanwhile if you have other questions or features you would like to see or use as Virtual Reality gets bigger and as we further develop our product, please dont hesitate to reach out to me.

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I agree that Max should get support first since it will give you access to a more technically minded user base, but I do not think Max support should be a focal point during beta development. IrisVR to me seems to be a tool aimed at those who do not wish (or do not have time or budget in a specific project) to get their hands dirty in the complexity of the other tools that are available for viewing forms in a real time virtual environment.


If I understand correctly, the idea is to be able to iterate design ideas in the moment, and a "clean up" stage in Max would encumber the process. If there is time/budget to clean it up to a substantial degree before presenting the design, then more robust tools such as Unity3d or Unreal Engine already exist for that purpose.


I think that there will be a much bigger audience in the conceptual design stages of SketchUp and Revit for this product when it is complete. However, roughing in support for Max early on will give you access to a more technical user base while working through the beta stages, even if the Max specific development remains in the back seat during the beta.

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I will disagree with most of the comments here and say that your order of support should be Sketchup - Revit - Max. Anytime someone talks about "one-click" this or that, I think it's not always geared toward the typical reader of this forum, but their clients...the architects who already know a little bit of Sketchup but don't have the time, desire, money, understanding etc. to hire a 3D artist.


I have more questions about the quality of the final user experience. What do you get for your one click? What is the lighting setup? Is there any interactivity within the OVR file? As a 3D artist if I still have to light and bake my entire scene in Max, where is Iris saving me time, the last 5% of the job in my game engine? The workflow to get SOMETHING into Oculus is already pretty fast. The experience is improved by lighting and texturing, so will Iris improve my quality and speed there?

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Hi Ben, first thank you for taking the time to respond, this means a lot to me and the rest of the Iris team. As of right now, our software supports native SketchUp files conversion into VR with the Oculus Rift. The software is cross platform. In terms of the lighting, collision, multiplayer (basically anything that the game engine will do) the Iris software is performing on the fly just by dragging the model you have created into it. So all you need to do is adding your textures while modeling (if you want textures), saving the file, and then dragging that file into our software to see it in VR with lighting and all.


Next, we are looking to support Revit native files in the next couple of months, (as you said to make VR accessible for AEC industry professionals who do not want to go through the hustle of any game engine). Real time editing in VR is also on the list but its coming later down the road (we have experimented here

). As a designer, I can see the value of supporting Max soon because most these file type are taken through Max for rendering or cleaning up etc.


I hope I was able to answer your questions and please feel free to reach out for more questions or suggestions.

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Hi Ben,


Thank you for the feedback and you are totally right. We have had clients that use our software for presentation as well as in their design workflow. The software is under development and its improving to include all the features that any game engine has. We have experimented real time editing in VR with MYO armband and multiplayer tours and these are features that will rolled out in the near future with each update of the software so stay tuned!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please don't ask me how or why, but as I turned my PC on today and tried to launch the very same file, it worked perfectly!

I swear I did nothing differently from last night! I had even rebooted several times. Go figure...

Anyway, it's really amazing, thanks a lot and congratulations!

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After 5 min experiencing a sketchup of one of my current designs, all I can say is that IRISVR is absolutely incredible. Even in this version it's working really well already.

Some points I observed:

- transparencies work really well, even better than in sketchup

- smoothing groups don't come, actually, no smoothing

- I couldn't find any loading options (I saw one video where you could load the model with or withoud textures

- head tracking is smooth, even with a heavy-ish file (70mb)

Sorry for the quick post, but I'm so excited I had to write something here! Later I'll spend more time on it.

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Is this basically a game engine, or is it just a walkthrough mode of whatever is in the viewport?


I mean, quality-wise, are we talking the potential to have Elite: Dangerous level graphics as viewed on Oculus, or just basic viewport quality graphics?

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  • 3 months later...



First off, I am hugely interested in Iris VR as I am working with retail planning where we would love to be able to show our models in VR with an Occulus rift headset. Kudos for you at Iris for working on this!


Secondly: you guys who have the beta version, how are you doing? How are the results?


Thirdly: is there an ETA on the release of the product? When will more beta testers be allowed in?


Best regards



Pipe Retail Solutions

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