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Best HDRI packs on the market, best garden plants or tree packs on the market?

Tom Lowe

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PG Skies all the way. I've heard good things about CG Source but haven't tried them.


As for plants I'm all for procedural, so maxtree would be a first hand choice as you can then adjust them if you own GrowFX. I often find that plant libraries out there are either too basic, or too detailed that the tree practically crashes your system. I like to have control over that.


If you don't own GFX then Evermotion models are generally good. Steer clear of CG Axis... their plants look fake. No offence to anyone.

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Hey there,


Here is the best free HDRI libraries on my opinion:





-HDRI Haven


-Aversis 3D



I don't know many of these free HDRI but what I know is that you should be careful when using free hdri, because most of them are not really HDR or their range is very limited, also the majority of them has not correct white balance, hence the typical bluish tint that you see in most of them. LDR and not fixed white balance will display color splotches, not hard shadows ( when fully sunny) and other problem that we see very often asking in this mere forum and others.


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