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[QUESTION] What's wrong with my Brick Texture.


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What's wrong with my Brick Texture.


So I created custom texture in photoshop. I use the texture in ArchiCAD. I render with ArchiCAD's CineRender. and I get these white and red arches in my brick texture. But I can not undestand why the render output looks like this. Can anyone help me out. Explain to me what I did wrong?

28-11-2018 - Banding in the the material texture.jpg

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That's called Moire effect, it is common on CG era, is a problem with antialiasing in monitors or most camera sensors.

if you zoom in your image, you should not see that effect, if they still there, one solution would be to render a larger image. Other solution could be increased or reduce your antialiasing. SOmetimes less sharp images will dimish this effect, sometimes more pixel data will fix it too, it depends.


Other solution would be to create different brick textures so the wall is not perfectly aligned. You could move the camera also to void that angle.

This would happen in real life too. You know when someone wears a striped shirt or dress on TV ;)

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I was able to fix the Moire effect. And in the 2 weeks that have passed since i posted i did quite a bit of research on the topic. i learning of anti aliasing technique called supersampling and it is exactly like you say. Sometimes increasing the render resolution helps a lot. In fact, i developed my own spin on the concept. i rendered the image at low, medium, and high resolutions, and then scaled all the output images to the same pixel-x-pixel size then I transparent blend them and photomerge in photoshop. The bands are gone now. i think it helps to just throw in as much detail as possible.

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