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  1. i can´t find answer for my 3th question - why lightcache is computed before IRR ... ?
  2. Hi, Maybe my questions were answered sometimes before, but i'm little bit confused with Vray render settings. So it would be very helpful for me if you can summarise my questions : 1. Is there any connection between GI (LC & IRR) and subdivision settings on lights ? I tried to compute only light cache or IRR pass and change subdivs on vray lights in scene, but it takes no effect. 2. How are image sampler, GI settings and light subd. settings affecting each other ? 3. Why lightcache is computed before IRR, even if it is set for secondary bounces ? I understand that IRR using informations from lightcache, but lightcache compute first bounce too ? I though that the ray comes from light (direct light) then hits object in scene (first bounce) and then every other bounce is computed as secondary bounce. So why are secondary bounces computing before primary ? From where have they information about first bounces ?
  3. did you check default geometry type in settings rollout ?
  4. Juraj is right. When I do not want to use the dome light and oversample entire scene. I use HDRI map in the environment slot and place skylightportals to the windows which will sample the interior only. But the problem is that the environment map + skylightportal doesn´t produce the same light as dome. This is because dome has adaptivness slot under the tex map. When you set adaptivness to 0,0 the result will be same as skylightportals, but when you set adaptivness to 1,0 you will never get the same result from skylightportal.
  5. Hi, I render an interior scene with only HDRI lighting. When I use VrayHDRI map like a texture in Vray dome light (with default adaptivness threshold 1,0) I get a nice result. But if I want to use VrayHDRI in environment slot with skylight portals in the windows, I get completly different result Is there any way to get the same result, without using domelight with adaptivness ??
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