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Zdravko Barisic

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    Serbia and Montenegro

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  1. Make some VIEWPORT benchmark with SPECView perf for 3dsmax, please! Personally, I am tired of rendering benchmarks, no one else bench viewport anymore? I ask, why??
  2. In case that still somebody do not know for this old school free on line calculator for most of building elements, especially stairs and roofs, here it is https://www.blocklayer.com/ If you like it, please make some donation! They have both metric and imperial units....
  3. I guess you are on V-ray, right? Believe or not, but 3070RTX will NOT dramatically improve your viewport, especially in hard and heavy scenes....most because they have same amount of VRAM, and that is 8GB, which is pretty low for nowadays scenes. I would suggest you to buy some used 1080Ti, with 12GB of VRAM, that will boost your scenes like rocket, or 2080Ti.... When it comes to graphics, amount of video RAM is much more import than the its speed, because once 3ds max loads textures and polygons, speed does not matter so much.... ....so, upgrading to some 1080Ti, or 2080Ti, would be huge step for you, even you are working with so much proxies, and take care of optimizations.... Cheers!
  4. Since I moved from V-Ray to Corona, I forgot what is the render issue....except that Corona is really, really memory hunger...
  5. If you are doing test renders frequently,than AMD is the way to go, and for every other purpose, AMD is still the way to go. ... For viewport manipulation, single core or turbo is responsible, and in that segment AMD is a little bit slower than Intel, but if you have some good graphic card, 1080Ti +, you will notice no differences. ... So, YES, go with AMD.
  6. I've been trying to contact directly manufacturers, a lot of them, but they usually do not even answer on such requests...if they already do not have 3D download section. https://www.syncronia.com/en Can be good starting point. How IKEA does the work
  7. MB. . . . . . . . . . Intel DX79TO/ x79 CPU. . . . . . . . Xeon E5-2670 8/16 GPU. . . . . . . . nVidia Quadro FX580 RAM. . . . . . . .32GB Kingstone 1333Mhz HDD. . . . . . . .2TB HITACHI Case. . . . . . . chieftec midi Cooler. . . . . LC Power 120 PSU. . . . . . . . . LC Power 600W 650€
  8. I think they are still worth of it, specially looking the DDR4 price these months (say hello to miners). You can check these links to make your decision easier https://benchmark.chaosgroup.com/cpu https://corona-renderer.com/benchmark/all You can use search by CPU name. When talking about E5 xeons, 2630 are too weak, E5-2670 is the slowest you should get. Also, SINGLE board x99 with DDR4 are good, like E5-2695 V3. 1950x is the best, if you already have bunch of DDR4, otherwise, I am not shore. So, basically, RAM price and amount would direct you to your point. E5-26xx V3/V4 are the beasts, btw. I hope this helps you anyway. Cheers!
  9. I personally do LIKE the adds here, as they are 100% related to our stuff and sometimes they are very very useful. Disabled the addblocker on cgtalk, also. Most of them I do not even realize as "adds" but just another news from industry. EDIT hahahaha, I've just seen the venice add on the right side of my post, but how could I even know for that event? No way...so, keep the industry related adds....they are just like news...
  10. This image helps, the best solutions are red squared http://i.imgur.com/ERsQ24d.jpg
  11. Some useful links https://www.google.rs/search?q=neufert+theatre&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjo5fK8w5HYAhWQ5qQKHVRWDrsQ_AUICigB&biw=1666&bih=1052 https://www.wbdg.org/FFC/AF/AFDG/basetheater.pdf https://archive.org/details/Architectural_Standard_Ernst_Peter_Neufert_Architects_Data
  12. Nobody wants to learn new SW...mostly. 1000s of assets, scripts, plugins, old scenes, templates...in most cases it is not worth of migration, at least for freelancers. Big studios are different story. IT/ CAD managers would done most of work, instead of you. Some of the users are 20+ on Autodesk, migration would be hard and painful... ... AND AUTODESK KNOWS IT VERY WELL!!!
  13. Go with 1060 6Gb instead of 1070, and grab 32GB RAM, or 7600K and 32GB. With 16GB you CAN NOT enter the archiviz od today! Take it or leave it, 16Gb is not the way to go. Ende.
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