Hello there,here for ur opinion. I got this scene with robotic hand,trying to make it look all dark and reflective , basically my lights are affecting only specular for the model to show only the highlights. Now the problem is,since there is a lot of tight edges,there are also very thin highlights which makes it hard for AA to show correctly and as a result there are jagged sometimes vanishing parts of the highlighted edge,since the AA got not enough pixels to smooth them out. The pictures are only cut-offs from a bigger one . I tried add max value to AA,doubled the resolution,checked the sub pixel mapping,..didnt quite do anything...only cheat that seems to help is to use Soften filter,these pics already have one(without it its much worse) but only value (size) of 2,cause bigger values tend to destroy the other things into the point its unbearable..well my question is-do u know any other way to fix this or is it just the way it should be and i gotto deal with it?
thanks for any tricks or suggestions:)
three pics in attachments-printscreen of the model,render with marked problem areas,and then the render itself