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Found 6 results

  1. Studio/Institution: VRaySchool Genre: Commercial Exterior Software: 3dsmax, vray Website: http://www.vrayschool.com Description: Hey CGArchitect community - Long time no post Inspired by Kobi Karp Architects and Raymond Jungles I've came up with this image for our upcoming Masterclass "Photoshop for Architects" 3Dsmax, VRay and Photoshop. For more details visit https://vrayschool.com/course/photoshop-for-architects/ C&C are the mist welcome! Keep it real P.S. This image is interpretation of how Miami would look in 30 years from now. Since water levels are rising rapidly "Venice living" style would be the best solution for future of 2050
  2. I am working on projects involving imaginary cities. These would often be on non-flat surfaces (like going up a mountain). So what I currently do is create a bunch of instances of simple building geometry, either manually distributed or with the "scatter" compound object. When I want a "line" of buildings, such as along a street, I use a plugin called PropLine. Once I have them where I want in top view, I then use the "scripted glue" plugin to drop them down to the mountain geometry. This becomes less tenable and rather tedious when dealing with very large/complex/distant scenes, however. It can be difficult to tell how exactly they are going to fall onto the mountain with my current approach, and performance can get laggy very quickly with the likes of Propline. What I really want to do is "spray paint" my buildings directly in the viewport, with lots of control over rotation, size variability, clumping-without-overlapping, flipping, and also the option for billboarding. Whatever it takes not to weigh down an already hypercomplex scene. I definitely still want to add groups of plants as well, but getting a "natural forest distribution" is lower on my priority list. I'd rather have options for "irregular grid" patterns that are more common in city maps. BTW, I have already tried Carbon Scatter for Max awhile back and it was terrible, causing constant crashes and not appearing to have many options (although hard to tell just how limited it was due to the crashing). I'm now looking at "MultiScatter" and "Forest Pack Pro." It does seem that with these, I'm paying for all the "natural" forest capabilities, which is less of my priority. I'm also a freelancer just breaking into this space, so funds are limited, but I'll still shell out $$$ if I really have to in order to accomplish this goal. So if you know of a good plugin/native workflow for this purpose, I'm all ears. I'm in Max 2015, BTW. Thanks!
  3. Hi Guys + Gals Was hoping someone could help me with this. I have been commissioned to produce a large set of CGI's looking out a tower in London. Its going to be from an apartment looking out. So, I was wondering if anyone had any good suggestions of some websites that may have photo's of London from high up, probably around the 15th-20th floor? P.S. I know the generic stock sites such as Shutter Stock and Getty. Any others? Cheers all.
  4. Studio/Institution: Paul D Nicholls Client: Self Motivated Genre: Other Software: 3ds, vray, krakatoa, thinking particles, ghosttown, pflow, fume fx, realflow Website: http://www.pauldnicholls.com Description: Sequel to the award winning GOLDEN AGE - THE SIMULATION, 'SOMEWHERE' attempts to visualise the notion of a 'downloaded architecture'. We are in a time where much of what we do is online. The notion of the online will radically change, the notion of the computer and the home will merge. We will download parks and places to relax, have skype phone calls with simulated telepresence of our friends and family, be immersed in nanorobotic replications of any kind of objects or furnishings downloaded on credit based systems. The local becomes the global and the global becomes the local. Consumer based capitalism would change forever. A truly 'glocolised' world. SEE THE PREQUEL HERE Mainly constructed in 3ds Max, using thinking particles, ghosttown, box2+3, particle flow, thinking particles, and rendered in vray. Footage of character was from a Canon 7D. All composited in After Effects and Premier. Visit my site: http://WWW.FACTORYFIFTEEN.COM
  5. Hello All! I am working on a nightscene, basically a small city block with various skycrapers. I am going for this Look: [ATTACH=CONFIG]40150[/ATTACH] The guy that made this also posted a video tutorial on how to achive this with Vray and Cinema 4d. ( VIDEO ) What he does is stack multiple randomized, checkered noisemaps on top of each other as a illuminated material. I work with 3dsMax so my question is what is the best way to make a material like this in Max? There are only fractal noisemaps and the checkered map in Max is not randomizable, at least to my knowledge. And how is it possible to stack/layer materials like this in 3dsMAX, i never needed this until now. A hint on how to do something similar with a different method would also be very helpful to me. Thank you very much in Advance
  6. Studio/Institution: Nicolas Richelet Client: cgarchitect :) Genre: Other Software: 3ds Max 7, vray, photoshop Website: http://www.nicolasrichelet.com Description: An old image i made for the 1st phase of the "2005 ARCHITECTURAL VISUALIZATION COMPETITION" contest. The image was ranked 3rd. We must have used only predefined primatives to model an architectural scene. The image was missing on my gallery, so here it is ... again
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