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Found 2 results

  1. Hello all, I've been working on some interior/exterior renderings of a house using Vray for 3DS Max 2017 and wanted to know what steps I can take to minimize the file sizes, which are about 400mb. The building file is an .fbx linked from Revit 2017 and the site file is linked as a .dwg from Rhino 5. I've saved the different views as separate files (so exterior, bathroom, kitchen only contain the objects they need), however the high polycount props are still huge; appliances, furniture and trees esp. I've saved these objects out and Xrefed them and have also run Garbage Collection. While my file size has reduced from 500>400mb, I feel that there are other/different steps I could take to optimize the scenes further. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
  2. Hi. I`m rendering camera flythrogh type of animation in 3ds Max and V-Ray. It is 1800 frames, one minute and I render each frame to single file, png files, 640x480. I cannot render it to avi in one single take, since I have to use the computer for something else meanwhile, and stop the rendering from time to time. If it was shorter, I would load it all in RAM Player, all the frames and used Save As afterwards, choosen AVI and compression type. However, it is too much for my RAM (2Gb, under Win XP) and those frames can not load all together. I would appreaciate any help, as to how to do it simply, any recommended free programs that can join single image files into movie files, or perhaps I could load in Ram Pl. half (900) frames and save it as uncompressed file, load second half, save as part 2 and in another program join thosae big uncompressed avis into one, compressed one? Another thing is, I don`t want to loose any more quality than nessesery in this joining and compressing process, and that is also the reason why I ask, since perhaps someone understands it all better and can give me a hint. In Ram player, there are not much comp[ression options, like cinepak radius, or indeo video, and oin both situations when I test it on smaller frame counts, results (compressed avis) are not great, anyone got any good ways of compressing avis / mpgs or movs? Thanks for your time. - Tomek
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