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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, i have a huge problem here, when illuminating the scene using skyportal vray lights , the reflected light on the ceiling and columns is somehow cut in half! as if some areas are being illuminated whereas some areas not. very confusing situation and im stock. also im using a 360 degree HDRI image in my environment mapslot. here's a picture of my scene, ive also attached 3ds max file to my scene so you could take a look at the settings : interior_illumination.zip
  2. Hi, I am a 3d visualizer in an office interior company, I'm using Max 11 and vray adv. 1.5 sp5.... While I render interior scene with opening and natural light (SunLight , Vr.sky or Sky portal& normal cam ), it looks better.... but I couldn't make a better image of closed rooms...... most of my works are manager rooms, work stations etc.... In such rooms I use, 1 Vray plain from the top (int. multip - 1.5) 1 plane from the same angle of the camera. & normal camera( gamma 2.2) I got some tutorials from net... but all are with good openings and natural light.. I would like to improve my output. Please help me.... Thank you
  3. Hello! I'm working on illustrating an interior and would appreciate some advise from you. This scene is lit by a V-ray sun and sky with default settings, the sun is almost perpendicular to the ground, and there is a vray light - skylight simple in the window (on the interior, just in front of the glass) - default settings Gamma is set to 2.2 input and output (i don't like to do much work in post, and i also save to exr) affect color selector, and affect material editor Vray physical camera - focal 2mm, f=6, shutter 1/100, iso 4600:confused: Render settings: color mapping: linear multiply, gamma 2.2, sub pixel mapping on, affect background on, don't affect colors on irradiance map: min rate:-3, max rate:-1, HSph:120, Interp. Samples:40, clr thresh:0.4, Nrm thresh:0.2, Dist thresh:0.2 interpolation: least squares fit light cache: subdivs:1500, sample size0.002 I think the shadows are not visible/sharp enough, and i would like to improve. Also I don't know if it's normal to use such high ISO values. I would appreciate some advise on how to reduce burnout areas. (i could render passes and composite them and mask the burnout areas?) Thank you! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/24/mirceamurarescu0116c01.jpg/ does this forum down-samples the attached images?
  4. Hi there CGArchitectees I have fiddled with making architecture visualizations, but I have a big problem with the lighting right now. I have this interior scene, a vray camera, with a Vray sun as my only light. The problem is that if I keep the camera setting with shutterspeed 50 and the ISO at 300, (the vray sun multiplier is at 1.2) the windows, the sills and floor are already burned but there isn't a lot of light inside the room. If I increase the sun multiplier ISO or decrease the shutter speed it will just get even bigger burns on the sills & floor. which will really mess with the texture on the floor later. So I guess my question is: how do I adjust my settings to match an interior scene with a vray camera and a vray sun. or should I just drop the Idea of a vray sun altogether and just go all nuts on vray light planes? I have attached an quick render of the untextured scene so you can see the problem. and please say if you need any other information.
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