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problem with memory and shadows...please help!

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I don't think there is much wrong with your settings. It just might be your geometry that is messed up.

I have attached a simple scene with a 1 camera, 1 vray plane, 1 skydome with vraylight material mapped to it and a 1 vray light (sphere) as the sun. This setup is easier for me to control when doing exterior lighting.

I used irradiance map (low) changed HS.ph subdiv lower to 30 for primary bounces and light cache (see file settings) for secondary bounces. This is a good test setting and took only 14 seconds to render on my computer.

I also attached the rendered image.

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Have to say, Im not a fan of vraysun. Id kill it, and remove the environment map too and make your own. Use a Direct light using Vray shadows, for your sun and just use a gradient for your background.


At the very least, drop back the intensity of the sun a bucketload, and drop your color settings. Set them to exponential, drop the light and dark multimpliers to like 0.75 and the gamma to 0.8? See what happens.

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With that attached scene... if you want lighter shadows, up the environment GI, and lower the direct lights intensity... if you put GI to 0, the shadows (unless theyre receiving a light bounce from somewhere else) will be black.

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No I cant... Ok...


Attached is the settings file.


Open a new max file. Merge your current file into it, excluding all lights.


Open the rendering flyout, and load in these vray settings.


Create a direct light, set shadows to Vray... set its intensity to 0.8. This is your sunlight.


Hit render, and lets see what happens...

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sometimes max messes up with the lights & shadows, select all the lights and delete them, start afresh installing lights starting with standard direct light (vrays shadows on)/ or vray sun. your environment (press 8) is too dark for an external scene.


try doing a test render with the lowest setting- say GI on, Vray Image Sampling: Fixed/ Area, Pri & Sec GI using LC. you could also tick "Dont Render Final" from Global Switches, save map for the LC. Just uncheck it back from Global Switches and use the recently saved map when you do a render to check lights & shadows.


hope you have asked for an extension of your deadline.



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Use a vray light (sphere) instead of a standard max target light. I would make the light color a light yellow/amber. Are you using any environment light/skydome? You should probably have just 2 lights for a simple exterior setup like this.


Can you post a wireframe of your setup from an orthographic view (right or left) with your whole scene and light setup?


What are your unit settings for this scene?


I have attached an image for basic vray light settings. You can adjust them as you need.

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Can you take the same wireframe and put a helper tape object to measure your scene across I am curious to know what size and units the scene is? Post a shot of the modifier panel after the tape helper has been created so we can see the length. If that turns out fine, I would redo the entire scene with no proxys. Just load the buildings and landscape with no trees and then render.

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