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problem with memory and shadows...please help!

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The white dots seem to be on your glass and in some of the other images they appear a little bit on your railings.


You may need to adjust the reflection glossiness and subdivisions and refraction subdivisions within both materials...


What image sampler are you using and what are those settings?

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There is something seriously wrong there...as if we didn't know that already...

Did you build everything in this scene ?

if not something might have gotten in there without your knowledge...I'm really thinking there is an unwelcome light in there somewhere...


Go into the global switches and do an override material just to make sure its not a material problem...I don't think it is...but you never know...


next thing I would do is reset the renderer...by switching back to scanline, and then back to Vray...this should put vray back to default settings...then see how it renders...hope this helps...

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow.. so many post and replay.


i do have some basic vray setting. you may wanna try it out.


vray image sampler (antialiasing)

adaptive DMC is good cause it use more flexible memory. adaptive subdivision consume memory.

just pick any filter you like, more below, more nice result, more time.


indirect illumination

you always use irradiance map, and QMC. yes, it provide you with the best result, but it also take more time to render.

for review, i use irradiance (low), and lightcache (subdiv:200)

for final i use QMC/bruteforce (subdivision 10), and lightcache (2000), cause if i use QMC as secondary bounce, it need more value (secondary more than 8), and it take more more time.

just try with your setting, and raise the QMC secondary bounce more than 3(8-16), and you will get more realistic shadow and light in dark area.

same result if you use lightcache, but more less time.


rQMC sampler

for review set global subdiv mult to 1

for final, set to 5-10

it will eliminated you noise, if you have any.


Vray : environment

put some reflection HDRI image for a good envi reflection.


vray system

Dynamic memory limits : 3000

default geometry :dynamic

what OS you use? windows XP/vista only allow each running program use up to 1,5 GByte memory, no matter you have 4 gbyte free. search the internet for solution. need tweaking at startup level.

with 64bit OS, there's no limit (but i heard some plugin cannot run 64bit)



for more soft shadow, set size to 5-10, tubidity 5, and shadow subdiv 20-60.


hope thats help.




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