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Missing illumination and shadows on a wall


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My first post! ...and I'm about to shoot myself! lol


I've checked every single corner in max and vray parameters and can't find what is wrong!

The light doesn't "light" the wall close to it, but does on the ones on the sides.

I'm using a regular omni inside each lamp (the light is not blocked by any object, or any face of the lamps)


please help!

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You should try with a Vray light instead of an omni.. if you wave an omni without any falloff, that light pattern is normal.


IF you wan more glow on the wall, you can use a self illum. material of some kind on the lamp. and see if it helps.

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I think the root of the problem is your exposure (see LWF and Gamma control), but it is combined with the light source being very close to the rear wall. Light striking a surface at an oblique angle is perceived to be stronger than when the angle of incidence is slight. If you take into consideration that the gamma is not correct, the 'weaker' luminence of the rear wall makes it look like it is not illuminated at all.

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