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On WHAT Are You Seating Now [Your Throne]


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I both stand and sit at work. I have 2 workstations. One is at a desk and one on a custom built rack so I can work standing up. The photogfrpher next door built it. He built a few of them. You have your machine and everything you need on the rack, all going into one power box. Its all on wheels. When you want to move, you just unplug one thing and you're off!

The real advantage is its better for your back. Mine was ****ed, so I had to make a change, but Id recommend it to anyone. Next step is to get a treadmill in front of it....



Its a good question. For some people, their 'throne' as you put it can be the thing that sends them to an early grave. Not joking. Bad posture over long periods messes you up.


112 waking hours in a week. 70 hours spent in a chair? Your body starts thinking its normal. All the anterior spine muscles degrade, shorten and stiffen. The posterior core muscles stretch and weaken. You literally end up enable to support your own weight properly and the spinal discs degenerate. This leads to huge back pains, hyper-lordosis (incorrect back arch), spinal stenosis (nerve channel occlusion), eventually a practical paralysis. You end up walking like a drunk hunchback, permanently in pain, on vicodin.....nasty.


I was well along this road last year. I speak from experience and Im a very active, sporty person. Dont do what I did, really think hard about how you work.


Edit: Maybe I should finish that post with, Im fine now! But it took a year of very hard work at the gym and lifestyle changes to do it.

Edited by Tommy L
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Not joking. Bad posture over long periods messes you up.


Yeah, I am getting so out of shape that I've thrown my back out simply stretching in my chair. So badly that it took 2 weeks of Physio for me to turn my neck all the way in both directions. Sad really. I have a bunch of exercises that I am supposed to do and a gym in my basement..but do I..no...:(

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I'm in a pretty basic black chair that I'm pretty sure is horrible for my back. I think I'm going to move to a yoga ball soon.


Anyone else doin the yoga ball? Find that it helps much?


Yes, I used a yoga ball for a while. The doctor warned me against it. Reason being, if you are not constantly in a state of firing your abdominal muscles, you relax into a slump.

My advice is to mix it up. If you are always sat in one (wrong) position, you are going to hurt yourself.

Maybe switch between ball, chair and going for a walk calling clients.

There are some great (free) web resources out there to combat sitting down all day health issues. I found these ones very helpful:







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ah very good. I guess I should been more clear too. I wasn't necessarily referring to working out on it but rather us it as a chair throughout the day.


might get one of these - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0007VB4NE/ref=asc_df_B0007VB4NE1041123?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&tag=googlecom09c9-20&linkCode=asn&creative=380341&creativeASIN=B0007VB4NE


That is funny looking. I thought part of the reason for sitting on the ball was that it worked your core by forcing you to constantly balance your body o it. A strong core will keep your back from hurting. It seems like you loose a lot of the benefit once yo add those rollers and back piece.

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That is funny looking. I thought part of the reason for sitting on the ball was that it worked your core by forcing you to constantly balance your body o it. A strong core will keep your back from hurting. It seems like you loose a lot of the benefit once yo add those rollers and back piece.


true true, good point, I might just have to get the ball and bounce around.


for those who watch twit, thought this was relevant to advise the dangers and risks of moving to the yoga ball solution :) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9A7ACL_n5Y

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ah very good. I guess I should been more clear too. I wasn't necessarily referring to working out on it but rather us it as a chair throughout the day...........


I should have mentioned the ball is too low for me to comfortably work at a desk on, but it is great for down and dirty quick ab and lower back workouts, without aggrevating your lower back like normal sit ups and crunches can.

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true true, good point, I might just have to get the ball and bounce around.


for those who watch twit, thought this was relevant to advise the dangers and risks of moving to the yoga ball solution :) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9A7ACL_n5Y


I listen to the podcast. He fell off the ball last week. Not quite the same as it bursting, but funny non the less.

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plain ole leather chair with a towel wrapped around the left armrest so my elbow isnt screaming at me.


but what really sucks is not realizing until about 6 hrs later that you forgot to take your wallet out your back pocket, after you back has plainly said enough is enough.


Makes you feel a little like George Costanza



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I used to sit on an Aeron at home. It now sits in my basement. Not a bad chair for a 20 year old design but there are so many better ergonomic chairs out there right now. At home I sit in an Allsteel Acuity chair. http://www.allsteeloffice.com/products/seating/Acuity/


At work I sit on a Steelcase Leap chair. http://www.steelcase.com/en/products/category/seating/task/leap/pages/overview.aspx


I have my eye on another chair that's due out next June. It 's the next level.

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