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What are you listening to right now?


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Someone's chilling out!


I love Moon Safari by Air.

'All I need' is one of my favourite songs ever.


I used to lock myself in 'my room' and produce all my Flash work listening to this album. It's so evocotive when I hear it now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay... been awhile since I posted here; a couple new Brit bands that are gonna be huge (well, in my mind anyway....I'm sure some of the Brits on this thread may say otherwise :)


Engineers --> self titled debut album, very epic, very early Verve-ish, very, very good!!


Lyca Sleep --> similar sound as above, although all you can get right now are a few EPs and downloadable singles.


http://www.woxy.com is also playing both bands occasionally....

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just heard Gomez-'Get Myself Arrested' on WOXY


Ahhh -- now we got the Edinburgh crew listening to WOXY! They play some good stuff, that WOXY....


I noticed over the course of this thread that you and I fancy quite a bit of the same stuff; since you're 'over there' (meaning much closer than I am), have you heard anything by/about Lyca Sleep, a band that takes their name from a William Blake poem. I'm thinking that YOU need to check these guys out....



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Ahhh -- now we got the Edinburgh crew listening to WOXY! They play some good stuff, that WOXY....


I'll look out for Lyca Sleep.


I like woxy but I do find it hard going after a while as I know very few of the bands.

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Couple new bands/singer-songwriters in the mix:


Ray LaMontagne - Trouble: Exceptional singer/songwriter music with depth, very rich, and (in a way) calming. Great for those deadline panic attacks.


The Redwalls - De Nova: (if you're interested in checking these guys out, goto http://www.theredwalls.com/sampler/ ) These guys are from Chicago and, while very young, put out a very 'old soul' type sound...


I probably waste more time changing CDs, updating our mp3 library, and discussing new bands with you all.... Cheers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can not even remember the last time I bought a CD...used to buy them all the time then kinda fell out of listening to anything but the radio. Finally signed up for Napster to Go, brilliant idea imho, and have been discovering tons of great new bands....Death Cab for Cutie is my new favroite I think.

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Hey Strat you are going to give the normal 9-5 hours working week a bad name, either that or you've turned into a company man.

HEHE ...hope your getting double time.




dont worry m8, it's a private job, and yes, financially it's definately worth the extra hours!

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I dug out 'Debut' by Bjork for some strange reason and just keep listening to it over and over.


Don't think I'll be doing that with mp3's in 10 years' time. I like the format of the CD-something you can hold and read. Call me old-fashioned.

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I just chucked out my vinyl last year after moving house three times and trying to find a place for them all every time.


Felt terrible but to be honest it was 90% junk anyway. I'm slowly replacing the ones I miss on CD so I really hope something else doesn't do to the CD what it did to vinyl. There's been a few attempts already but I think people just like the CD.

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I just chucked out my vinyl last year after moving house three times and trying to find a place for them all every time.


now thats just plain wrong... ok, they´re big and clumpsy and take up way too much space... but... aaah... theres just something special about them old vinyls... I got my hands on my moms and dads old collection last year (after they got tired of trying to find a place for the records after moving... seems to be a common problem ;) and Ive been playing them like non stop since!


ok enough about that......... the last 3 songs (mp3s) played here were "Bob Dylan - Its Alright Ma(Im only bleeding)", "Sublime - KRS-one", and "Svenska Akademin - Kenneths nya"...

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