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Vray render of Hotel Lobby


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Studio/Institution: Bluewhale Studios, Inc.
Genre: Commercial Interior
Software: 3Ds Max, Vray

Hey guys,


This is one of the first renders i did of an interior I have been working on. I modeled it after the Royal York Hotel in Canada. It is the first piece that I have ever put this much detail into. I have already spotted a few things I should fix, but for the most part I am ecstatic at just how good it came out!


I can't wait to make more! My boss actually let me make this on downtime when our work load was low. I am very happy he did and I have already started another detailed project.


Any critiques or comments anyone may have are more than welcome!



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Thanks! This is actually one of the first interiors I have ever made. I have only done a couple simple ones before. Textures and UVW mapping haven't necessarily been my specialty, but im forcing myself to get better at them. I will go through and see what I can do about the repetition, it would definatly make it more realistic.

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Hey!! .. the detail IS excellent and same with the lighting.. my only critical comment (constructive of course) is that the proprtions seem off on most of the furniture (including the clock). Which almost makes it look like the inside of a dollhouse.


You should try to make each object to scale and that would make it far more realistic.



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Thanks for the critique :) Hmmm Now that you mention it it does kinda look like a doll house. I will go back and see what I can do. Truthfully though the clock was really that size in the actual lobby. It was very weird and large, so i tried to make sure I got that right.


Thanks again!

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A couple of general things I think that might help you.

1) as a rule of thumb you should be able to look at an interior and without looking at windows know what time of day it is. As you can see in Tom's cranking of contrast and vignette. The rendering looks like a night rendering with glowing windows.

2) what is this rendering of? compositional ask yourself that. Is it about the chandelier or is it about the room, if its not the chandelier you need to loose the zdepth blur and pick a stronger camera angle.

3) also add some detail in self illuminated material especially if you are going to be so close to it.

4) a interior light bulb will never be brighter than the sun.


For someone just starting out, its looking really good. there are some more nit picky things, but I think I would focus on the big picture first. Good Job.

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Seriously thanks alot Gus_Rayvus! I never even considered the time of day. I just made the lighting to brighten the room (I didnt have much time so I focused on everything else mostly). I will take everything into account and re-render. Might be a while because of my workload at the moment, but I do plan to make this look much better.


Thanks again :)

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