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Milky Architectural Glass - Washed Out Colour


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For some reason and I'm not sure why but I've got a camera in a scene which is looking through 5 panes of glass (so 10 sides of glass) and the glass is rendering out very milky in colour.


I have tried playing around with the settings of the material without any joy. Can anyone please help me on why the glass is looking so washed out. It needs to look more reflective and richer as you view through all the glass. See test render and material settings below;

Milky Glass Material.jpg

Milky Glass.jpg

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While Ismael is right pointing that lighting play a main role here, it is important also that, if you have any tint in your glass this one will increase every time that you cross a new glass panel, making the final image tinted, blurry or distort depending of your glass properties.

Now the default max depth for reflection and refraction is 5 this cover most of the cases, when you have a special situation like yours when the camera and light need to cross several glass panels you need to increase this value, a single glass panel has 2 bounces, 2 panels 4 bounces and so on, in you case the minimum should be 10+ 1 or 2 to get environment reflections, be aware that your rendering time will increase accordingly.

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