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Rendering using different version of BackBurner, Vray and 3ds Max

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Hi, i'm new in this forum. Straightly i want ask you silly question even i maybe know the answer but i better ask it to make me sure the answer.


In my office, i have different version 3ds Max, vray and backburner with others colleagues because they still using 3ds Max 2009 Design with V-Ray 1.5 version and Backburner 2009, which mine is using the latest version of V-Ray 2.4 with 3ds Max 2013 also Backburner 2013. So the question is, can i using my Backburner 2013 together with render farm which using 3ds Max 2009 Design with V-Ray 1.5 version and Backburner 2009? If yes, how to setting for others render farm which using 3ds Max 2009 Design with V-Ray 1.5 version and Backburner 2009? Because i have tried before and it wont render except my computer. For the others information that i haven't yet include, please ask me.

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uninstall backburner for all, then install backburner 2008

unfortunately that seems to be the only one that is rock solid


however all machines have to have the same version of max and plugins or not it wouldnt render.

Plus it has to render to a same drive (ala a server drive)





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I don't know if install an even older version of Backburner will solve this issue, I am not even sure if Max 2013 will work with Backburner 2008, it may It may not.

For basic software rule you can alway open an older software version with the newest one, not the opposite. With that said, I would recommend to install Backburner 2013 in all your machines, actually you can install Max 2013 in all your machines too if you only will use it as render node, NOT as work station. Then any job submitted by max 2009 or 2013 should render.

regarding V-Ray, you can open scenes of V-Ray 1.5 with Version 2.4 but V-Ray give you a little "warning" or update notice and this usually trow off Backburner while trying to network render, again you can install V-Ray 2.4 in all your machines as "render slave only" with no additional cost, this will change will the future release of V-Ray 3 thou.

Mixing and matching different version of software always is a call for problems. Try to avoid it as much as you can.

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