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Rendering AO Pass made easy


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Hi there,


I'd like to share a MAXScript that I just created and I think that might help some of you here. It's a MAXScript to render the AO Pass with white solid background. After the rendering process, your scene will be back to the state before the rendering process began, so you don't need to worry that the script will make any changes to your scene. :o


Plus, this works regardless of what renderer you use for your main renderer because this script is based on mental ray and mr is always come in package with the 3ds max. :D


the link: http://www.ariespranata.com/2014/11/freebies-maxscript-rendering-ao-pass.html the MAXScript is free, but I put ads on the link. I'd be really grateful if you find this script helpful and share the blog post instead of the direct download link. :o


Cheers! ;)

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