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V-ray LightCache taking forever


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Hello, I am new to V-ray and 3D modelling in general, I come from a video editing background. Anyway I am trying to render a new project with v-ray and it simply get's "stuck" at building light-cache. The funny thing is it worked very well for the last few days and only today did it really start doing this. I also noticed that Sketchup will give me a black screen whenever I click render. It also get's stuck with RT.


Just for your knowledge I'm using an 8 core machine with hyperthreading disabled with 12GB's of RAM.


I included some screenshots that I hope would be useful. This is my first model and its V-ray is very new to me.


AutoSave_House 9.jpg

Light Cache Settings.png

After 5 minutes of waiting.jpg

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since time is relative, what is forever for you?

depending os the scale of your project LC may take some time to calculate, also IRR. LC also is not friendly with displacement or many scattered elements, since you are in sketchup I think scattered objects is not your problem but maybe displacement.


If you are getting a black screen in your scene, can be your camera exposure, it is too strong so everything is black, or there is no lights.

I would recommend to reset all your V Ray values to default and see how it goes.

a quick way to check also if change everything to brute force, if the image still render black, check your exposure and lights, also where you camera is, maybe is behind a wall or something. then if it render correct, change to LC with default values, and it should work fine.


For exteriors, you can try Irr for first bounce and brute force for second bounce. it will give you a little more details in small objects.

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If it's SketchUp I will bet on it being displacement in materials. Disable it in the options then see if it cranks right through.


Displacement is a privilege and not a right. ;)


Use it sparingly in VRay for SketchUp from my experience. I would give Brute a try but its not as fast as Brute in 3.x for Max

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