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Bedroom (critics please!)

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Studio/Institution: Personal
Genre: Residential Interior
Software: 3ds Max/Vray/Photoshop
Website: http://www.instagram.com/rrezende.arquitetura



I was a long time away from rendering on 3ds and vray and I get back.

Could you comment about this image please?

What do you think about it? What can be improved? Is it looks realistic?



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There seem to be some scale issues. Check your floor plank and joint sizes, the depth of the console on the right and the height of the side tables.

Overall, one point perspectives lend themselves to very formal presentations and yet much of this scene is very informal. The messy bed, lamp overlapping the rug, chair askew and haphazard placement along with the console table blocking the entry from the viewer are all working against the composition.

From a design aspect, you have 4 different varieties of wood in this small space, competing furnishing styles between the bench and the console table right in front of the viewer along with mismatched frames for the artwork, awkward sizing for the rug and both cool and warm palettes fighting each other.


Lots to sort out.

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Yea what immediately stands out to me is the boards in the foreground seem really large, and the texture is pixelated. I would try to find a high resolution image for it. Also throw a chamfer on the edges of the floorboards they are too geometric currently.

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