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Critiques Needed - A modern(ish) kitchen

Tim Holmes

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Studio/Institution: West Rim Digital Media, Lester Ohio
Genre: Residential Interior
Software: Blender 2.8
Website: http://https://taholmes160.artstation.com/

Hello Folks:


This is a kitchen project that I have been working on for some time. Its modeled after 2 things I saw, the first is the design of the seating area and table – I picked up on that watching an episode of Fixer Upper with Chip and JoAnna Gains. That was really the spring board for the project. I wish I could find a screen cap from that episode, but I havent been able to find one, so I am just going from memory. (theirs was much smaller). The second factor was the lights over the counters (the blue ones) I saw lights like that at a local Applebees one night and decided I had to try modeling them.


This is still in progress, but I am looking for some serious critiques. Its really my first foray into the “Modern” kitchen with whites and blacks and greys etc, as I am typically a log cabin modeler and have very heavy use of woods and earth tones. Some of it has turned out looking really good, other parts, I am not so happy with – the composition of the shot from by the sliding glass door is one I really dont like, as well some of the walls and counters seem a bit bare, so I need some suggestions of how to handle that. Additionally, if you see something wrong, it would be really helpful if you could give me some pointers on HOW to fix it – I’m still very much a learner, and want to get better, but in some cases dont know how.!

I have seen some projects that have a rendered wireframe shot as well, I dont know yet how to do that, so I’ll be looking (any suggestions appreciated) I have all my stage (step) files as well, and can show you anything you want. Please let me know what will make it easier and more useful to critique.


One last request, if you know of any good sites for critiques I would appreciate links, so far I have BlenderArtists, Art Station, and CGArchitect.


Thanks for the input


Kitchen 26b for Critique.jpg

Kitchen26a for Critique.jpg

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Hello Tim,


At the moment it looks a bit flat and dull. I'm also not a fan of the blue light fixtures as they don't really work in this room and kitchen. Also the textures need more quality. The wood is way to low resolution. Also I would turn of all the artificial lighting and try to first light the room with the exterior light coming in. Maybe a stronger sunlight would give some more interesting and harder shadows giving the room a lot more contrast.


The best thing I honestly think you should do is to start a new project from scratch. Find some good images online of a nice kitchen, livingroom or bedroom and try to replicate that. You could learn a lot from the composition, interior design and lighting. In this stage of your learning proces I think it is beter to try copying some existing images than to try make something from memory/own design. There are a ton of good images on for instance Pinterest.

It might not be as rewarding but I could be really insightfull and teach you a lot about making great looking images.

Hope this helps.

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