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Found 3 results

  1. Hello all! I am looking for someone experienced, based in Australia who wouldn't mind consulting me over certain queries i am having regarding opportunities, jobs, and most importantly, the dreaded visa. I looked up the list and there are more than 29 types which one can apply for, but our industry does not fall in any of the skilled categories. Send me a message and i shall get in touch.
  2. Hi all, May I ask for help and tips from Australian artist, arch-viz artist or anyone within architectural field working in Australia. I'm an architectural designer from Hong Kong/Norway and going to relocate to Perth in July. I've tried looking for jobs through agency (hays.com.au) and seek.com.au but so far no luck as they all require 5+ years experience, even as a draftsman. Anyone here could provide me insight and info please? It seems like Perth doesn't have that big market when it comes to Arch-viz or is it simply because the market is already full? Not that I can't do other jobs but I've finally set half my foot into this field I'd like to continue my career as Arch-Viz artist. I've checked Danil's thread (http://forums.cgarchitect.com/26864-2-all-australian-i-need-your-help-4.html), Carl's thread (http://forums.cgarchitect.com/27820-archiviz-jobs-australia.html) and Daniel's thread (http://forums.cgarchitect.com/13733-vis-australia-wa.html) regarding jobs in Aust, Perth. But those are relatively really old threads.. Also I've checked Thomas' thread about listing studios but there are only 2 available. I've tried contact those companies but still no reply. I consider myself a excellent 3DS Max user having experience in viz and animation, also experience in drafting with AutoCAD, Revit and more. Well that's my job as architectural designer in Hong Kong right now. I'm currently leading a team of 4 but not really titled as senior because I don't have xx years experience required to acquire that title?
  3. Studio/Institution: CGRendering Genre: Industrial Exterior Software: 3dsmax, vray Website: http://www.CGRendering.com Description: Restaurant in Sydney Australia [ATTACH=CONFIG]46913[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]46914[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]46915[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]46916[/ATTACH] http://www.cgrendering.wordpress.com http://www.cgrendering.com
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