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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, I'm having this weird GI light particles (red bracket in the picture) in my rendering, it doesn't have lighting near the object. I've checking on my render elements, it only happen on my VRayGlobalIllumination element. Not happen to VRayLighting nor VRayReflection. not sure issit because of caustic, because I'm not familiar with the caustic settings... can anyone help please?
  2. Hey folks, I am trying to recreate a scene similar to THIS. I want to get the look of light shinning through in multiple area like that image. My scene has vrayenvironmentalfog and water setup. I tried using a vray light with a b/w image but it doesn't look anything like that. Is this the right path and how would you attempt at animate something like this? Appreciate any help.
  3. Hi, I'm having huge difficulties with caustics... I'm using caustics with a high caustic subdivs amount : 40000 from one Target Dir light. I can see the caustic patterns appearing properly. After a while, the process ends leaving only many separate points. I want much more points. I though subdivs at 40000 was enough... When I increase the subdivs amount, for instance 50000, I get nothing at all. I also set "Max photon" to 0 and "Max density" to 0. Trying other values does not change much. I set "don't render final image". Do you have an idea how to increase the amount of points (photons?)? I'm using 3DSmax 2013 with Vray 2.3. Thanks for you precious help !
  4. Does it mean something to use parallel/network processing for only building caustic maps ? Thanks !
  5. I have personally never been satisfied with smoke tutorials, smoke effects seen on various videos also caustic effects applied to objects that are behind other objects, like ice in a glass with fluid, so i decided to do something and share. Many people did amazing work, but like there was smth missing. Maybe this will help someone or give some ideas. I could have done FOV and a few more tweaks in post production but i'm a lazy ba$tard. Some settings are include in video. A tip: when making cigarette smoke, make it a bit transparent and add a bit of glow if you prefer, and avoid compositing transparent smoke using alpha, results are not as good. [ATTACH=CONFIG]47434[/ATTACH] 3ds Max 2010 64bit FumeFX Vray 90 frames rendered @ 720p HD, render time 1h 27min Intel i3 8GB DDR3 RAM GTX 460 GLH 1GB DDR5 sata3 controller speedup done VrayRT and PhysX for preview custom improved with Marwing http://www.r-labs.net
  6. Hello, How can I only render caustics and avoid having the little crosses when i use the VRayCaustics layer in vrimg ? I noticed I sometimes get these little crosses sometimes not. It maybe depends on the asked resolution... I'm also trying to script that. Thanks !
  7. Hello, I am willing to only render caustics with high resolution and high subdivs (~40000). 1-- Therefore, I remove the shadows and toggle the global switch "Don't render final image". It works very fine until the very end of the rendering. Then I have too much memory used so Max crashes. -> Why does this happen only when the rendering has just finished and not before ? 2-- To avoid this memory problem, I ask VRay not to "render to memory frame buffer" and I save the rendering to a vrimg. -> I get nothing if "Don't render final image" is set. Is there a way to save an unfinished image ? 3-- So I do the rendering entirely and extract the "VRayCaustics" element (set from Render Elements) from the generated vrimg. I am using vrimg2exr. I get crosses instead of dots; this layer is not the same image as if I was simply rendering onto the memory frame buffer. -> Is there a way to extract a caustic render from a saved caustic map ? I am willing to script the rendering and the saving of my high res caustics so I can make a movie from it. I'm using VRay 1.50 with 3dsMax 2011 under Windows 7 (using VMware on several macs). Thank you very much for your precious help !!
  8. I just spent the whole week learning reactor and Glue3D to simulate water movement when the client requires caustics instead of fluid water ripples. Ive never really touched caustics in vray so im a little stumped. I can create caustics (after going through this site and the attached tuts) but im still wondering how to create a pool with caustics. My Scene: A logo is at the bottom of the pool while the caustics and water movement distort the logo. The camera is top down looking into the pool and at the logo. Methods - Ive gone here (http://www.dualheights.se/caustics/) and generated caustics but im not sure how to implement the .ifl sequence. - Another thing Ive tried is animating water, but unfortunately i don't get the crisp caustics im after. Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction. EDIT: im looking for something like this: http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/9265/causticdb3.jpg
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