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Found 3 results

  1. My new HP Z820 workstation has proven quite problematic when it comes to it's nVidia video drivers. The video driver constantly restarts whatever applications are open, and gives a "video driver has stopped working and has restarted successfully" message. I have downloaded and tried several driver versions, namely: 276.28, 305.29, 311.15 and all give the same crashing performance. I am now currently on ver 311.35 released a couple of days ago from nVidea and though more stable than the previous versions, has crashed again once this morning (followed by a blue screen!); So was wondering if anyone else has the same setup rigged and if they're facing the same problem? Also, looking into the subject I stumbled upon nVidea's Maximus configuration for the Tesla-Quadro setup, I have downloaded the config setup file and have it setup, but would like more insight on the configuration if anyone has more in-depth info please. EDIT: Using windows 7 64-bit Cheers. Amer
  2. Hi! I put together a new Windows 7 Professional x64 (SP1) workstation and I can't get V-ray RT (2.00.02) to work in GPU mode with 3ds Max Design 2012 x64. In CPU mode it works just fine, but when I switch to OpenCL and press the ActiveShade button, activeshade window opens with the message "waiting for image data..." but no image appears. Instead of the common V-Ray command window a message "V-Ray Standalone has stopped working" pops, and I must close the render window. It doesn't crash Max or even the render dialog. The graphics card in the system is a GTX560 2Gb. Currently I have driver 285.62 installed. I also tried installing a few older drivers without any success. I have another workstation with almost the same HW/SW setup, except for the Quadro 600 graphics card with driver 266.35 It doesn't support the GTX560, and the oldest driver I can find/use is 275.33 It seems to me this is a driver issue, so any suggestion will be appreciated!
  3. i just bought the pny quadro 4000 and I'm working with 3dsmax design 2011 I've tried to install the performance driver for 3ds max from nvidia, but it said that "no product detected on my machine... I've tried all the other drivers and non of them came up with good view port solution. i get squares on objects, artifacts like big squares pixels on some of the polygons when i tried to uninstall the regular performance driver, it said that i don't have permission to do so i saw a couple of posts about that issues but non of them came up with solutions does anyone have a solution for me? please help... thanks
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