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Found 4 results

  1. I'm using the formula v-ray provided but I can't seem to get back to my beauty image when using VRayEnvironmentFog, atmosphere render element. Here is the formula I am using: (VRayDiffuseFilter x (VRayRawLighting + VRayRawGlobalIllumination)) + (VRayRawReflection x VRayReflectionFilter) + (VRayRawRefraction x VRayRefractionFilter) + VRaySpecular + VRaySSS2 + VRaySelfIllumination + VRayCaustics + VRayAtmosphere I've also attached my nuke compile script, if you want to check it out. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8vvkyi2lfn9iez3/scene6.0673.exr?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/e4eb5sytx1ue3zf/test.nk?dl=0 Thanks!
  2. Hello, is there any function of placing an HDRI Image as an instance to the environment menu in vray, while also using a vray dome light with the same HDRI map? And apart from being used to view the environment in the background?
  3. Hi there, hope someone is able to help me. I got a situation where I need more reflection on a metal surface material but not any other scene materia/obj. I'm using vray 2.4. Scene is lit with vray light, a vraysky in the enviroment slot (8) and physical cam. No override. No domelight. I coming from the mentalray department from the past. I was used to the material environment slot (in the map roll out). But somehow it not that straight forward with vray. On a blank test scene the slot seems to affect the reflection but not what I would call enviroment reflection. The one point I think I may have wrong is the mapping type (tried obj/world/screen) and the other, any condition I'm not aware of that disables the enviroment slot. Didn't find anything in the vray manual and this question seems pretty uncommon on the net. Does the material environment slot actually work with vray and what do I need to take care of that its working like a domelight reflection? Any other solution other then using a domelight and exclude? Which takes me to the last question. How one can exclude obj from direct lighting and not "just" GI/shadow?
  4. i dont know what to do, my vray glass is not acting like it was suposed to, when i used the vray sun the glass turned into a complete mirror, and when using the hdri its with a black part still the image: please can anyone help?
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