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Found 5 results

  1. We have installed the same version of both the Fryrender stand-alone binary and the Random Control plug-in (.mll) for Maya 2009. We can export .FRY files from both machines, but when attempting to load either .FRY file, I receive the following error on one of the two identically configured systems: "Could not load the document" Can anyone suggest what might be responsible for this error? Our little group are experienced Fry users -- we have used Fryrender for many years to render archaeological scenes, such as these images of Chichen Itza: http://www.mayaskies.net/MayaSkies2011Renders/index.html The Fry details are as follows: Fry Build Date: 4/19/2010 Fry Version: v1.5.00 (x64) Maya Fry plug-in build: [plug-in: Apr 22 2010 - Engine: Apr 14 2010] Thanks in advance for any help -- we're really stuck. -Kevin A side note -- I'm aware that both Fryrender and Maya has been abandoned by Random Control in favor of Arion, which is *not* the subject of this thread. It would be unproductive to enumerate the many reasons why we need to render in the Fryrender stand-alone, but for those who would suggest 'just upgrade to Arion', I did want to say that I've been in touch with the Fry team (including the programmers) for several years and have exhausted every possibility to bring the files into Arion. The lack of Maya support, and our need for animation, require us to use Fryrender.
  2. Hi everyone, I have a problem with the lighting of a scene created in 3dmax! the problem is that I necessarily have to set the power of the lights at x1000, because otherwise (x1, x10, x100) the lights appear to be nearly extinguished. The problem should not be the scale of the project because the file is exported from 3dmax where I worked on a scale 1:1 , the measures should be correct.The sunlight instead seem to work correctly, so seems to be a problem related only to the emitter materials . Pls help
  3. Hello, I'm trying to use a displacement map on a scene made in 3ds Max and rendered in Fryrender. In the Fryrender material editor, the preview shows the displacement map working just fine. However, when I use the material in my 3ds Max scene the displacement map does not work. I've tried increasing the displacement height to huge numbers and there's still no displacement. I've even tried scaling the model up and down, but still nothing. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for looking!
  4. Hi there ! I use Rhino for modeling, and I'm trying to convince myself that Fryrender is the best render engine for me. Why ? -Fry's single sheet sub-surface scattering (SSSSS !) is a great feature for me because I deal with Architectural membranes. -Fry's virtual reality looks real good, I just hope they will release it in my lifetime But then I tried the demo. The Fryrender plug-in for Rhino uses McNeel's "Render Development Kit". In fact, the RDK interface is a -confusing- extra layer between Rhino and Fryrender. By chance, one of Fran's posts helped me figure out how to apply a Fry material to a Rhino layer which is far from obvious. But just when I thought my troubles were over, I started working on the material mapping in the Rhino rendered viewport, and things went haywire : the materials got mixed up on the display, and I simply could not go any further. Materials were propagated to other layers, and changed randomly when I re-opened the file. Fran, if you hear me : HELP ! Cheers, -- Olivier
  5. Hi, This is another work I did in an attempt to improve my overall rendering skills with fryrender. It was inspired by an image from a furniture catalog. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
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