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Found 5 results

  1. I have managed to make this folding armature in grasshopper ( the setup is definitely not clean, but it gets the job done). Now what I wanna do is rig my rhino geometry onto the armature I’ve made and so that the whole geometry folds as the armature. the folding structure has very fixed dimensions and alignments so that it has to be modeled in rhino first. how do I go about it. Folding 2.gh Mashrabia 1 (1).3dm
  2. Hey guys, I've been looking through the forums for a similar issue but haven't found anything similar yet so I came to ask for help. I set up an interior scene with a dusk environment and somewhere along the way this weird thing started happening, on one of the boxes I have set up for one of the walls on the lower part a horizontal line appears independent of if I have lighting turned on or off. The only thing I've noticed is that it disappears when I have all other models for furniture etc. hidden So far I don't think it's a geometry problem since I have tried changing the box for a different one and I have tried different materials; I do have to mention that this issue is only happening with this particular corner of the scene with this particular box. I attached some unfinished test renders of a close up of the particular corner. Test One is a render with only basic geometry for walls, floor, roof and windows on. Test Two is a render with everything on except for lighting. I've been trying to figure this one out for a couple of hours now but for the sake of me haven't been able to solve it so any help is greatly appreciated. As extra info I'm running Max 2016 with vray 3.20 on windows 10
  3. Hi I have a curved kitchen cabinet: Is there a way of inverting this to bevel 'inside'... So that the bevel curves into the geometry? please see picture below for what Im trying to achieve: If not, what would be the best way of achieving this effect? CP Curve Tool? Many thanks for reading.
  4. I've experienced this across different version of 3ds max so maybe it's my graphics card? but sometimes when I delete geometry its ghost sticks around in the viewport and only goes away once I restart max. Don't suppose there's a special thing I could do to flush whatever cache it's stuck in?
  5. I have a test scene and playing around with vray plane. I can't seem to give it geometry in the material editor to create a infinite rough road to the edge of the horizon. I added a vraydisplacementmod and fiddle around with the settings but it does not show any displacement. I added the same parameter to a normal plane that shows it just fine, so my question is can Vrayplane inherit any geometry displacement? I could get it to show some deformation if I make it transparent and add in a noise map.
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