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Found 5 results

  1. Hey, I am 3dsmax/Vray Visualizer. I am always struggling for nice intensity for Greenary and Foliage. My Trees, Ivy, Grasses, Bushes and any kind of planting renders a bit dark and low exciting. I really pushed my self into this, I am sick of these. I tried everything I can do. I used, Archmodels, CGAxis, Itoo Presets, Laubwrek, iGrasses, iBushes and iTrees but there is no success. I attached my render and Real Archmodels PDF Smaple pic. See difference your self. I used and Vizpark HDRI with quite nice intensity. If I put Higher Values than I am near of what I want but it burns out whole scene. Also attaching lots of Images that describes how I need my Greens to look like. Thanks in Advance ! [ATTACH=CONFIG]53609
  2. Hi I created a dome light with hdri map and rendered the scene and everything was ok. Then I added a sun for getting better shadows but it didn't change the lightning at all ! I even Increased sun Intense. Mult. but it didn't make any difference. I watched alot of tutorials about adding vray sun with hdri sky but I don't know the problem. What could be the problem ?
  3. We released a new bundle of 11 hdri skies for 3d lighting and background rendering with fully unclipped sun for sharp shadows. It gives you big savings of 40%. http://www.hdri-hub.com/hdrishop/hdri/bundles/item/473-hdr-pack-014
  4. I'm following this youtube tutorial- on linking my vray sun to my hdri sun and everything goes fine till the last step. At 12:10 in this video he instructs to use wire parameters to make the dome light's horizontal rotation control the hdri rotation. After linking my vray sun to the dome light, I follow the steps to set up the wire parameters to link to the texture background. And when I click connect, my HDRI sun disappears and is no longer aligned with my vray sun. (Watch the sun disappear in the camera 2 view when I click connect). Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to prevent it. Here's a link to the video of me performing the operation- http://youtu.be/dSpes79f0b4
  5. In all of the reading I've done in the past few days on using sIBL file sets for lighting and backgrounds in scenes, sIBL-GUI seems like a cool approach. Unfortunately I can't seem to get the results I'm seeing in the tutorials. My 1 -2 minute render time prior to running the script in my exterior render is now 40+ minutes and the outcome is horrible. A very dark scene with a black and grey blurr as a background. (Not to mention Max crashes every 15 minutes) I have no idea where to even start tweaking and there is really no support to be found anywhere. Why my render time is so ridiculous all of the sudden is a mystery to me. I'm using the LWF render settings in Vray 3.0. If anyone can point me in the direction of some good tutorials/methods for applying hdri lighting and/or getting sIBL-GUI to work properly I would be very appreciative.
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