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Found 6 results

  1. Does anyone know a good site to buy a rock wall texture? We are working on a project in a ski resort and they need a very specific rock texture. We are having a hard time heading the correct texture. Thank you in advance for the help. Please remove if this is not the correct place to publish this. Thanks
  2. Hi, I'm working on an interesting project but I have a ton of tedium ahead of me if I don't find a better way to accomplish it. I have bunch of equally sized planes. Each one needs a unique ambient map, alpha map, and displacement map. The mapping is simple: --The planes are square. --The map images are square. --I just need to "fill" each plane with the 3 unique map images. The compact material editor has a limit of 24 visible materials. (Argh, why so low?) I know I'm not limited to the amount of texture maps in my scene (at least I don't think so) but it's hard to manage. I find the Slate material editor to be a pain in its own way, since it requires so much dragging, rearranging, and clicking. I also keep accidentally overwriting old texture maps with new ones with it. Is there a good script/plugin for bulk mapping unique textures to objects? Ideally something that would let me set up some kind of "name-matching." (Like if I have a plane called "Plane 005" it would scan my map folder and look for "Alpha 005" and put it in the Alpha slot, same for Ambient and Displacement. With perfectly systematic texture/plane naming, this would be awesome!) If not, I'd settle with the ability to pull ALL unique Max objects into the Slate material editor via material ID and auto-arrange the panels. That would at least save some time. I need to do this with potentially thousands of textures, so I'm willing to go through some work to set up a better way to do this! I'm even willing to learn what I need to in MAXscript to make that happen, but I'm not sure it's even possible. Thanks, ~Kirsten
  3. I was wondering if there is a way that anybody knows to add a UVW map to multiple objects in a scene. After I import geometry from AutoCAD into 3ds Max I have to add a UVW map (box) to everything in the scene one by one. If I select everything and then do it, I get a giant gizmo encompassing the scene. I have heard of a MultiUVW script from ScriptSpot that looks perfect for the job but I always get an error saying "Type Error: closeRolloutFloater requires RolloutFloater. got: nothing." So I am back to square one. Does anybody know how to add a separate UVW maps to multiple objects all at once. It would help me out bigtime!
  4. Hi, I Have a great script that convert maps and objects path to UNC path, for NET rendering. (G: --> \\NDH-FS01\Users, in my case). I need it to convert WEB file (Photometric IES file) path also. I tried to change the code but with no success. did someone know how to script that feature. -- converting path to UNC pathConfig.convertPathToUnc "\\NDH-FS01\Users" -- maps path for m in (getClassInstances bitmapTexture) do m.fileName = pathConfig.convertPathToUnc m.fileName -- set Render Output path rendOutputFilename = "\\NDH-FS01\Users" -- set Render Elements path re = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr() for n = 0 to (re.NumRenderElements() - 1) do ( el = re.GetRenderElement n fl = re.GetRenderElementFileName n el.bitmap.fileName = pathConfig.convertPathToUnc fl --or... re.SetRenderElementFilename n (pathConfig.convertPathToUnc fl) ) -- XRef Objects path for obj in objects where IsKindOf obj XRefObject do ( obj.proxyFileName = pathConfig.convertPathToUnc obj.proxyFileName obj.fileName = pathConfig.convertPathToUnc obj.fileName updateXRef obj ) Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello, Does anyone know where I can get high-res maps of insulation (rockwool/polystyrene/celotex etc)? I'm doing a cut-through of a construction and need to show all elements in quite a lot of detail Thanks
  6. Hello, I am willing to only render caustics with high resolution and high subdivs (~40000). 1-- Therefore, I remove the shadows and toggle the global switch "Don't render final image". It works very fine until the very end of the rendering. Then I have too much memory used so Max crashes. -> Why does this happen only when the rendering has just finished and not before ? 2-- To avoid this memory problem, I ask VRay not to "render to memory frame buffer" and I save the rendering to a vrimg. -> I get nothing if "Don't render final image" is set. Is there a way to save an unfinished image ? 3-- So I do the rendering entirely and extract the "VRayCaustics" element (set from Render Elements) from the generated vrimg. I am using vrimg2exr. I get crosses instead of dots; this layer is not the same image as if I was simply rendering onto the memory frame buffer. -> Is there a way to extract a caustic render from a saved caustic map ? I am willing to script the rendering and the saving of my high res caustics so I can make a movie from it. I'm using VRay 1.50 with 3dsMax 2011 under Windows 7 (using VMware on several macs). Thank you very much for your precious help !!
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