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Found 10 results

  1. Studio/Institution: INFX Studio, Chicago Client: confidential Genre: Commercial Exterior Software: Max VRay PS Website: http://www.INFXstudio.com Description: Hotel in Florida. This image is to be discarded in favor of a higher, broader shot... which will be tremendously ugly, so I figured I'd give this one an outing. I like the composition so Ill continue to work on it, filling out the background and uplight more of the palms. Maybe add a few people. Its all 3d with the exceptions of the rocky outcrop left and the sky. Rendered at 6k, this one is compressed for web, 3k. Feedback and suggestions welcome. Tom.
  2. Studio/Institution: Student Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3dsMax Description: Hello everyone, i have just graduated on master studies of architecture. During studies i didnt have enough time to improve my rendering and visualisation. So i decided better now than never. I am modeling in AutoCad and then importing files to 3dsMax where i render in vray. I have few questions: 1.On top is prinstcreen and bottom is targa file of render. Why is it so much brighter? 2.Wooden flooring looks blurred for some reason, diffuse map used is 8300x5000 3.Next to pool bed, you will notice something that looks like noise effect. I am using HSV Exponential color mapping. Every critique and advice will be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hello, Long time lurker, newbie poster. I have been trying, to no avail, to create the type of volumetric lighting found in the following reference image: I have used multiple water materials, tried both methods of volumetrics, I have even used a transparent, non-reflective material to represent water just for a test and I can't get anything to work. With volumetrics enabled through the parti_volume shader, I can get volumetrics that start at the water's surface, but anything beneath the surface is simply not there. I have also tried a cube for the water as well as a simple plane. Either way (and with the correct options in the material for planar vs. solid geometry in the water material) gives the same failed result. The following is the photometric target light with the sun and sky off, first with the water material, second with the material off. I have done a lot of googling, reading, and such. There are a ton of tutorials on underwater scenes, water textures, and volumetric lighting, none of which help with the specific issue I'm trying to wrap my head around. And the scene file, should anyone want to play with it. It's a basic file so I could play around with settings before I roll it out to the larger project. pool test.zip Thanks!
  4. if i use a normal plane and add a water material to it , the water looks nice and blue and crisp looking... if i modify the plane to have noise to make it look like its wavey the rendered pool water looks almost black?..happens always. Any ideas how to fix this? - using Vray and 3ds max. also for some weird reason i keep getting black all the time ...thanks for ur reply. and material used for this water....the second image is of the bump used. Sorry to be a pain guys, but I'd like to be able to produce something similar to this? http://newsletters.chaosgroup.com/nl_files/newsletter_images/newsletters_archive/04_1_11/Pool-and-Caustics580.jpg
  5. Studio/Institution: LeFx Client: personal reference project Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3ds Max, VRay, AfterEffects Website: http://www.lefx.de Description: Visualization of a Mediterranean Pool scenery The picture is part of a series of shots. Originally, it was made to illustrate the high quality of our 3d-data-optimization-process. We wanted to give an example of what the clients could do with our data. We slightly overdid that, and built more and more scenery around the actual piece of furniture as we went along to create a pleasing and believable scene. The whole thing was created with 3ds Max 2011, rendered with VRay and went through a heavy post-production in After Effects. Below are the additional shots of the project. I hope you like it, feel free to comment and criticize.
  6. Studio/Institution: Ibi Group/Daniel Arbour Genre: Commercial Interior Software: 3ds Max, V-ray Description: I'd always wanted to do water
  7. Studio/Institution: insipire studios Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3dsmax,vray,multiscatter,photoshop Website: http://www.inspirestudios.se Description: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42602[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42603[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42604[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42600[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42601[/ATTACH] Hi! i tried some time ago to show this work but i couldnt upload them but here they are. Hope you like them. /DIA http://www.micaeldia.com
  8. Studio/Institution: Matt Guetta Client: JPGomis Architecture Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3dsMax - Vray 2.0 - Railclone Lite - Photoshop - After Effects Website: http://www.mattguetta.com Description: Hi, Here is my last project, it's my first night rendering. Hope you like it. C&C are welcome!
  9. Studio/Institution: GWJ Architecture Genre: Residential Exterior Software: Cinema 4D Website: http://www.gwj.ch Description: Hello everyone! This is my first Post. It was for a competition. The goal was to create a hotel with a wellness-area, close to a lake. The time was very short, so the details of the building remindet quite low. It was more about giving an idea than create an image of the final building. We won the Competiotion actually, so the work on this will continue.... greets Yama
  10. I just spent the whole week learning reactor and Glue3D to simulate water movement when the client requires caustics instead of fluid water ripples. Ive never really touched caustics in vray so im a little stumped. I can create caustics (after going through this site and the attached tuts) but im still wondering how to create a pool with caustics. My Scene: A logo is at the bottom of the pool while the caustics and water movement distort the logo. The camera is top down looking into the pool and at the logo. Methods - Ive gone here (http://www.dualheights.se/caustics/) and generated caustics but im not sure how to implement the .ifl sequence. - Another thing Ive tried is animating water, but unfortunately i don't get the crisp caustics im after. Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction. EDIT: im looking for something like this: http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/9265/causticdb3.jpg
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