Hello Everyone,
Checkout this New Tutorial on how to generate proxies, with 3ds max and Vray.
Proxies often help users navigate through heavy scenes and render complex objects very fast.
This tutorial takes users through the process of creating and understanding its amazing functionalities.
This Video is a small part of an extensive 2 Hours New Course I've recently created on my blog, and for my Patreon supporters.
It's entitled: 3ds Max & Vray: 3d Visualizer handbook to Interior daylight renders
Projects files and Resources are available for download:
The videos are full HD (1,920 x 1,080 pixels) and with custom captions/subtitles.
You can stream the videos from your mobile (enable full HD and CC).
Or download to watch them from your computer (VLC media player allows users to load captions/subtitles) .
In addition, you will get a 24/7 support (Q&A) about the course.
I hope you like it.
Kind Regards