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Found 3 results

  1. I couldn't find anything close to this issue in order to solve it. I'm using the Animation with moving objects II procedure to render an animation. Everything was working fine until I started the last step of the process that is loading the individual Irr Maps created in the Prepass. There are 96 frames. Suddenly, one ot the three objects I have in the scene, started to render wrong, no artifacts or splotches, but the object begun to look almost as if it were self-iluminated, no lighting decay towards the floor. The thing is that if I stop and begin the render at that frame, it renders correctly, but in the next frame the issue appears again. All the frames render correctly individually, but if I render a sequence, there you have it, the crazy stuff appears again. I made an experiment just turning of GI, and the issue was gone. I also enabled Light Cache for every frame and the issue remained. So, those two things mean that the problem is with Irradiance Map. Please... HELP!!
  2. Hi I've been always using Maxwell and nothing else as renderer, yet I face this problem: I render a multilight sequence and I put it together, that's what I do: - Open Photoshop - Open first file sequence or any and click open as sequence - 23,796 - Export-> Render and I select the bascis, High Quality and period. The problem appears now, once the mp4 is created, I open it and I see how the progress of the light in the surface creates these "stripes" which are the same ones that appear when an image is loading or in less bits than needed. And I'm stuck here. I made a text for you: Resolution: 1800x1199 16b http://sendvid.com/9wzl9usr I thought of doing it in lower resolution: 640x480 16b and the result is different. Obviously this can't be used as a solution because no client will accept this. I am very focused on product and jewellery studio rendering to save money regarding getting around with the costumer's products and therefore the animation should be minimum 1.500px width. But I doubt size makes this problem...I'm confused! Any suggestions? Maybe it's just too easy and as I have just been doing static render I have no clue of it! Thank you in advance to all of you!
  3. Hi all, I'm working on an animation with a fixed camera and individual objects that rotate independently. I'm rendering each object separately with alpha channels and several render elements to composite everything together in the end. Since each object is only rotating for about 15 frames (and then stays still) my desire is only render those 15 frames and then take the last frame and duplicate it as many times as necessary to finish out the entire sequence (without having to waste time re-rendering a non-moving object for tons of frames that are all identical). I have some file renaming tools I hoped might work, but nothing does the right job. Here's a scenario: the entire animation is 240 frames long object1 rotates from frame 150 to 165 I end up with frames named object1_0150 to object1_0165 (including add'l render elements) I need to copy frame 0165 (& elements) to make 0166 thru 0239 I can copy object10165 in windows explorer 73 times and end up with files named "object1_0165.png" thru "object1_0165 - Copy (7) - Copy - Copy - Copy.png" If I were using 3ds max's 'Rename Objects' it would be easy to set a base name plus a numbered sequence, but I can't find a file renamer that does the same thing. 'Quick File Rename' can only concatenate strings to the start or end (no number sequencing)...'Sequence 911' could create the proper sequence, but can't understand the sequence from the selected files with all the "- Copy"s in the name. Anyone out there have some trick for making this work? (Besides loading the frame into something like Premier and stretching it out the required frames and rendering a numbered sequence from that timeline...obviously I'm trying to avoid having additional render time when all I need to do is rename files). Thanks! John
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