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Found 5 results

  1. Hi again I would like to render an object that has SSS. I have a diffuse map and sub surface map plugged in and my diffuse amount is set to 0. But when I render my passes, my diffuse and lighting are black and my SSS pass is full, obviously because I set diffuse to 0. So I set diffuse to 1 which makes the diffuse and lighting pass normal, but the SSS is now black. I don't want to set the number anywhere in between 0 and 1 because then either the diffuse or SSS will not be showing it's true 100% value. So my question is, how can I render a full value SSS pass while not affecting any of my other passes? Thanks!
  2. Hi everyone, I want to know how to Make a skin shader with maxwell. I try too much but I couldn't. Shader that I want is a negro skin . I search a lot and find something that i want to be in maxwell render. Here is a image to know what I really want:
  3. Hi there, I'm playing around with VrayFastSSS, and I've assigned red/purple colors for my 3 color settings - Shallow, deep and back colors. However when I render I get a weird green tint in the back subscattering layers. I can't seem to work out what's causing it. The object size is at about a 60cm radius, ot 1'11 feet & I'm currently working in linear lightspace. I'm using Vray 1.5 SP05 & I've uploaded a copy of the file that I'm working with (Max 2011) & material file if it helps. [ATTACH=CONFIG]43072[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]43073[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]43074[/ATTACH] Thanks!
  4. I'm attempting to learn a bit about Sub Scattering Surface shaders. I am making a candle for my first project. My problem is, the bottom of my candle is scattering light the way that the top should. I've attached a picture and my SSS settings, if any one could point me in the right direction as to what I'm missing/doing wrong, it would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi i never managed to work well with SSS materials, so i decided to post up to see if anyone knows about similar issues. Quite often when rendering an SSS material (within the VrayMat) i get this pointillism artifacts (see the image) this is te material i am using didnt try yet the fastSSS or fastSSS2.. whichi i shold probably do, but i gess that SSS should be fine within the VrayMat any light into the issue greatly appreciated.. thanks
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