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Found 5 results

  1. I'm having this strange light beams on the rendering and it only appearing on the floors when adding a light into a scene in skp while using the vray http://imgur.com/a/eM7nl Adaptive DMC Primary bounces - irradiance map secondary bounces - light cache I'm using an Hdri as a sky light source GI is on Does anyone know what cause this?
  2. hey! i'm tying to set up a flyaround animation through my model in rhino but i'm having issues with images beeing completely overexposed/whited out, once i get on my animation path. when i zoom out and adjust the camera manually i get the light settings that i wanted. i have the "physical camera" turned on (and it doesnt even affect this bug). from reading around i guess it could be as simple as setting the render mode from perspective to camera view? but that's in max and i can't find that switch anywhere in rhino-vray.. i hope its just something banal like that and not some graphics bug! any help appreciated.. thx, mat.
  3. Does anyone have any idea what these faceted highlights are caused by. I am using 3ds Max 2013 with V-ray and have a simple V-ray sun and sky lighting system with one additional standard spot. They are not affected by materials values as far as my tests have gone but can be greatly reduced by increasing geometry resolution. They can also be influenced by adjusting the shadow bias on the sun. I am happy to load the scene if it helps. Many thanks, Adam
  4. Hi there CGArchitectees I have fiddled with making architecture visualizations, but I have a big problem with the lighting right now. I have this interior scene, a vray camera, with a Vray sun as my only light. The problem is that if I keep the camera setting with shutterspeed 50 and the ISO at 300, (the vray sun multiplier is at 1.2) the windows, the sills and floor are already burned but there isn't a lot of light inside the room. If I increase the sun multiplier ISO or decrease the shutter speed it will just get even bigger burns on the sills & floor. which will really mess with the texture on the floor later. So I guess my question is: how do I adjust my settings to match an interior scene with a vray camera and a vray sun. or should I just drop the Idea of a vray sun altogether and just go all nuts on vray light planes? I have attached an quick render of the untextured scene so you can see the problem. and please say if you need any other information.
  5. Hello guys, Im working for a while now in a bedroom scene. I modelled everything and all the materials are on the models. I just cannot find the right render settings and light settings, I tried sooooo much. Looked everywhere for lighting tutorials and tried them aswell, i will give me everytime a kind of orange effect. I just cannot get a nice bright scene. My vray sun settings are default. my light settings are now: skylight portal. (I tried to play with the multiplier and the temperature it just wont give me what i want) Any help please, I would really want to finish this render Greetz Kasparovic
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