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3DS Max | Vray render to texture - transparent artifacts


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Hey guys,


Was hoping somebody would be able to offer some advice/guidance on the following issue, and save my hair from being pulled out.


So, whenever I try to bake some lovely Vray textures I get some irregular blotches/holes in my flattened texture maps. This only seems to be an issue when I use Vray during the Render To Texture process. You can see what i'm referring to in the following image: https://ibb.co/nEGXQf


In this scene, there's no objects intersecting (just two default Max spheres, a Vray plane and Vray light). The blue sphere, which i'm looking to render, has been UVW Unwrapped, with it's channel set to 2 (also made this the mapping channel in Render To Texture dialogue box). It's been assigned a standard Vray material, and a VrayCompleteMap is the selected output - so hopefully this should all be consistent.


I've tried using different combinations of GI engines, even turning GI off completely, upping light samples, switching UV channels, applying push modifiers to objects, resetting Xforms and just about every other solution offered in similar thread, but to no avail.


If anyone has experienced a similar problem and found a solution you'd go down as a god in my books!


Thanks in advance everyone and let me know if any other information is needed

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