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  1. No, simply direct it at a folder that all the maps are within (even several folders deep) and hit relink.
  2. Great, glad you got it working. Happy baking, I will have some peanut butter cookies!
  3. It seems like you are trying to bake the "CompleteMap" instead of the "VrayCompleteMap"? You have to use the ones with vray in front.
  4. Dell U2413 here too. To be honest I never use Adobe RGB I would get a cheaper monitor if I was to do it again.
  5. Just because "Glass" is input in the edit properties box in Revit doesn't mean that the box is actually linked to where you think it should be inside the family. Where did you get the families? I have a completely different workflow that I have described before but I use the great built in filtering to spit my Revit exports into a bunch of separate files (windows & doors, walls, etc) to have easy to create layers in max. Alternatively you can import it as a single object and then use material IDs to split it but if the materials aren't assigned correctly in Revit then you are screwed from the start.
  6. Settings and information about lighting of scene?
  7. What was suggested was to save to a local folder and sync from that local folder to your dropbox folder twice a day. In that case you don't have to change your dropbox settings.
  8. jasonstewart

    Arroway Gravel

    I think that is just if you wanted to use geometry close to the camera. Just apply it to a plane like usual I believe.
  9. Your Color Threshold is set to 0.1, I bet you meant to input 0.01. My suggestion is to ditch whatever tutorial you are using to tell you "fastest ever settings" and either use the universal method or learn how to adjust settings yourself.
  10. I'm sure it could be done in Maxscript, there might already be something on scriptspot if you search a bit.
  11. You don't have to wait for it to become "availible" to you. Simply go to this link (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10) download the tool and hit upgrade or you can make media if you want.
  12. Same here, I am going to load it up tonight on my surfing laptop and test it out for a while before putting it on any computer that makes me money.
  13. My guess is that textures are swapping in and out of RAM. Increase Dynamic Memory limit or 0 as Ismail suggested to use all of it. In the status box it will give some indication that it is swapping and it will take forever to render.
  14. I would just start with a box or cylinder and extrude up and modify verts as necessary and then turbosmooth.
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