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  1. I found that increasing subdivs in irradiance map minimizes blotches, (see left side of attachment), but still pretty blotchy. Given I have all of my final render settings almost dialed in and the render is taking hours, I thought I would inquire as to whether I'm headed in the right direction by continuing to crank up subdivs or if there might be other approaches. Main problem I'm having in searching out the answer is that all of the tutorials and info I'm finding are in older versions of vray and the settings have changed so they aren't relative. Also wondering what I might try to eliminate the artifacts on the ceiling by the pendant lights. Thank You
  2. Here's what I get: You can see the orbs in the bottom left and creeping in around the door frame. This is if I set subdivs to 500. Here I region-rendered the top right corner with subdivs set to 2000. I usually expect higher subdivs to be associated with better results. Surely 500 is too low and if it's still showing up at that number, I'd logically have to go even lower. I have one sun and one fill light behind the camera facing the doors (vray plane). Thoughts? Edit: Jeez, the above had DOF but here's what I get if I turn it off... never had this before!? EDIT: Ah, it's the rug. I have no idea why but the rug (an imported object) is red and refuses to change colour no matter what I assign to it. I guess I'll have to find another rug.
  3. Hi all! I've been having a rather annoying problem with V-Ray and I wondered whether you guys could lend a hand. I am trying to render a simple scene consisting of a plane, a cube and a teapot. All of these objects use a standard VRayMtl with just the diffuse colour set differently for each. The problem is, when using a HDR image for the GI Environment (skylight) override, the render always comes out with large splotches over the floor plane and objects. Also, if there is any animation in the scene, a large amount of flickering and 'glitching' happens around the objects in question. In the GI tab, all settings are left at default with the primary render engine on "Irradiance Map" and the secondary on "Brute Force". I have rendered out the exact same scene twice, using just a Vray Light for the first and removing the Vray Light and using a HDR image for the GI Environment (skylight) override for number two. All other settings are default. As you can see, the HDRi is causing really nasty splotches everywhere. I believe this problem is caused by the Irradiance Map, as using a lower preset causes larger spots, however, since I wish to light my animations with a HDRi, I'd rather keep the render times as short as possible, and using high Irradiance Map settings drastically increases render times. The method I am using with the HDRi is putting the "VRayHDRI" material in the GI Environment (skylight) override slot, instancing that to an empty slot in the material editor and in the VRayHDRI options, selecting the HDRi I am using (http://www.openfootage.net/?p=255). I also set the overall multiplier to 12 in the processing. So, my question is, how can I remove these horrible splotches but still keep my render times realistic? Also, could this be what is causing the horrible flickering and glitching with animations? I have attached the scene file for anyone who might want to take a deeper look. The HDR file I'm using is this: http://www.openfootage.net/?p=255 I'm using V-Ray Adv 2.30.01, 3DS Max 2012 on a Windows 7 machine. Specs (just in case): i7 2600K (3.4GHz) 16 GB RAM nVidia GeForce GTX 590 Thanks very much in advance! VrayHDR Problem.zip
  4. Funny, I had one big light blob on very low render settings. So figured that high settings would weed it out but instead I got this... [ATTACH=CONFIG]47135[/ATTACH] Any ideas? Using Vrayhdri material + vray sun. The hdri material has a multiply of 8.0 in both overal and render.
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