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Found 4 results

  1. Hey guys. I'm a full time artist at a 3d Vis studio and were trying to work out a good efficient way to do water coming out of a shower. it doesn't need to move or animate at all (the simpler the better so we can re-use it ect) so its just for static shots in bathroom scenes ect just to add an extra touch of realism. I could just model the streams and make a water shader; but I wanted to see what sort of ideas people here might come up with to maybe generate it faster. Cheers
  2. Hello, How about this software, it seem very useful in ordet to add ocean, clouds and related on our videos. isn't?. SEE MORE
  3. I'm trying to emulate a starburst glare effect that you see in MR lights. I've found a couple video tutorials saying to add the environment/lens effect/star and glow to omni lights but I am still unable to see the effect when rendering using a vray physical camera. Does this not work with vray physical cameras and lights? Or is there another method I should be using? Oh, and it's gonna be for a animation so i can't add it in post. Thanks for any suggestions. -Shaun
  4. Please let me know if you thing my latest attempt at making glowing windows and adding a wet effect to the concrete and asphalt areas. I would be very interested in learning other methods to create similar effects. I mainly use these pictures for print purposes. This was done by using the polygonal lasso to select the windows, then copying and pasting to a new layer. Layer blending mode set to screen. Layer effects added are inner glow with effect size 100%, effect opacity 20%, effect color changed from the default lemony yellow to a richer amber. Wet effect is duplicate layer flipped vertically and blending mode on soft light. Layer slightly rotated for matching up vertical lines in reflection to those of original layer. Filter: distort: glass (distortion: 1, smoothness: 2, scale: 75%) sky and all other non-reflective areas then cut or erased from this layer. From original layer select and copy & past sky to new layer. Set blend mode to multiply and play with layer opacity if desired. BEFORE: AFTER:
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