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Found 3 results

  1. I cant use Vray rt render with cuda its giving me cuda error 700 in logs ...everything works fine
  2. UPDATE: Nevermind, issue solved. Sorry! I'm trying 2014 for the first time since getting it last night and no preferences were changed. Whenever I enter isolation mode (Alt+Q), I cant exit using the same command like in older versions. Is this a known issue? To get around it, I have to unhide which is very annoying in large scenes w/ many layers. Please help. Thanks.
  3. I've been pulling my hair out fudging with settings and I can't get close to figuring this one out. I'm trying to apply a bump map to some wood-siding that I'm doing for a client in Vray 1.01 for Rhino 4. With no maps, the material rendered looks like this: For hyperbole's sake, just to see if I can get an effect, I've added this bump map: And the rendering, with bump map, turns into this (Intensity 1): The Material is just a basic 20%grey with no special settings. This seems to be happening to all materials I've toyed with. I've tried multiple bumps, tinkered with settings, and used different Indirect Illuminations. I have a rectangular light facing the surface, the only Environment Light is the GI, set at White and 1. The bump map settings I've toyed with a lot but they're at default now. Anything you guys could suggest would be amazing, since I've pretty much hit a brick wall here. I've tried to include relevant information but if there's anything I'm leaving out let me know Thanks -Z
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