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Found 7 results

  1. I am trying to set up a winery scene with a plexiglass grid as shown in the picture below. My vray mtl is working as expected, except for the glowing side faces. I think (correct me if i'm wrong) that the effect i want to achieve has to do with (fog color-mult-bias, and or refraction exit color and or dispersion). For simplicity and speed reasons i'm using Refraction color: white Amount: 1 Gloss: 1 (will lower it to 0.94-0.98) Ior: 1.49 I did some research online and most threads about this matter are rather old and most recommend faking the effect using self illumination etc. I also read that in reality this effect is happening due to sanded and roughened sides of the material. The question is, how should i approach this kind of situation in terms of light/shader interaction and rendering speed? One vrayMtl and experiment with fog and or exit color? Different shader to the glowing faces ? Or some king of coated material and uv mapped different values to the side faces? Any help or suggestions will be very appreciated!
  2. Hello guys... I'm new here and i wonder if anyone could help my problem on the vray refraction alpha. So here is what happen, I got a scene in 3ds max with glass and water material on it, I planned to do the compositing later on by saving the renders into seperate elements. But I don't know somehow when I import the images on the AE later, I still get the black background from 3ds max in the water refraction. I've already searched some solutions online where I should change the Material refraction to affect "color+alpha". I've done it and it still gives me the black refraction on water. Also I found a site that says change refraction material to affect "all channels" to get the refractions right. And yess I still get this problem... So I wonder what's wrong in my material setup and if anyone can suggest anything, I would appreciate it a lot http://imgur.com/h4eNnpJ http://imgur.com/yGxNC1Q Thanks
  3. this is very weird and new Issue for me which is never happend to me before i have uploaded 2 pics with PNG and JPEG format respectively. My problem is whenever I used to save scene in .PNG format my entire Glass material or any shader which have refractive properties got transparent with Background.. I am not getting to the solution .. will anyone here who encountered same problem or have any idea how to sort out it
  4. Hello, Im new to rendering with vraymtlwrapper and I want to create model with glass windows, but I have a problem. Behind model I have vrayplane like a wall of the house with vraymtlwrapper for masking model to photo but on glass windows I see this vraymtlwrapper color and I cant see background house through the windows. Everything else is OK, shadows, GI, only cant see through the windows. When I disable Visible in refraction in Vray parameters of vrayplane, I can see through the windows, and its what I want, but there is on shadows and GI on the wall. How can I render it only with shadows and GI on the wall of the background building but with transparent window glasses? Thanks for your reply
  5. Hi friends, Here is a wip of my latest project. Its a low quality with proxy hidden version. And i am facing a problem here with Vray caustics. Caustics is only visible in reflections and not in refractions(inside the pool). any solution? i tried asking in evermotion forum as well but no response yet. this is the only thing i am stuck with now and have to send this to client soon! Using Vray sun with HDRI for lighting. Attaching the images. Raw render: http://imageshack.us/a/img9/1818/error1fk.jpg Vray Caustics pass: http://imageshack.us/a/img32/6779/error1pass.jpg Will post the updated one after rectifying this problem. Advanced thanks.
  6. For some reason and I'm not sure why but I've got a camera in a scene which is looking through 5 panes of glass (so 10 sides of glass) and the glass is rendering out very milky in colour. I have tried playing around with the settings of the material without any joy. Can anyone please help me on why the glass is looking so washed out. It needs to look more reflective and richer as you view through all the glass. See test render and material settings below;
  7. Hi, i'm getting a weird problem with my windows, i never had this problem before, or just didn't notice... check this 2 renders, one with no windows and the second with windows: This is the glass material: This windows doesn't render shadows on the back of it, also i think GI isn't rendered either. I tried adding more depth for refraction on the vrat settings, but as i guessed, nothing happened, also tried some more things, new material, vray properties, object properties, but couldn't find the problem.
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