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Found 4 results

  1. Hey guys. I have a question about modeling text on a surface. So I have this bottle and now that i have finished it I wanted to put the logo of the firm on the surface. How I do it is simple. I import the 2D drawing in 3Ds max. I redraw it with a line and create a surface. Now I go on the front view and with a command Comfort a put them nicely on the surface. Than I extrude them and using Boolean command Union I combine them. However this turns out not to be a clean technique. Because I all i get is letters cut out at back to lay on the surface, but not actual connection between the two. Hence when I try to 3D print them some letters are read by the Slicer (cura) some not. In the links below you can see some reference images. I hope someone can give me a tip on how to achive this so that i end up with a whole "clean" model. Thank you Im using 3ds max 2014. Here are the images: http://imgur.com/IMMI96B http://imgur.com/V5XdoYv http://imgur.com/Q8RsmRG http://imgur.com/Xbhwj9j
  2. Hello, I am to place out a few thousand doorsigns in 3ds max. You see I'm making a hospital and all the signs on the doors have a name, a number and a technical name. I believe solving this by using the text-game objects in Unity will make the game unable to run, so the brute force method would be to do it manually in 3ds max, with a plane cut with several polys unwrapped for each number/letter combination, but it's a job that's probably going to take me a few weeks. Therefore.. anyone got any scrips/plugins or thoughts/workflow methods to make this job a bit less like a nightmare?
  3. See jpg for my problem. Is there any way to change the text colour from yellow and the size of the text. I would prefer to have it red because yellow in my opinion has to be the worst colour to have text in any application. PS. I know I can view the transform box Any help I'd be grateful thanks.
  4. I have been given a landscape plan where all trees are denoted by a letter 't' and palms by a letter 'p'. I was thinking if I could somehow convert all these letters to triangles then I could import them and use these faces to scatter tree objects in 3ds Max. How would I do this? I've searched for scripts, LISP routines etc. but not had any luck so far. I can do it individually by selecting the text object, converting to block, then drawing the triangle, deleting the text letter and saving the block file. But there are too many to repeat this process manually. Any ideas??
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