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  1. Free scene from Chaos Campus About this article Teodor Vladov, one of the masterminds behind Chaos Campus, has just shared a free scene for group members to download. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/b76ad686-free-scene-from-chaos-campus
  2. Free scene from Chaos Campus About this article Teodor Vladov, one of the masterminds behind Chaos Campus, has just shared a free scene for group members to download. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/b76ad686-free-scene-from-chaos-campus
  3. Getting Started with Chaos Envision™ About this article YouTube channel ReadThomas has launched what looks to be a great way to explore Chaos' latest release, Envision. So far, they’ve posted two videos: the first covers the basics of how Envision works, while the latest dives into an intermediate workflow. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/3bdf1139-getting-started-with-chaos-envision
  4. About this article YouTube channel ReadThomas has launched what looks to be a great way to explore Chaos' latest release, Envision. So far, they’ve posted two videos: the first covers the basics of how Envision works, while the latest dives into an intermediate workflow. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/3bdf1139-getting-started-with-chaos-envision
  5. In our latest collaboration, Chaos and CGarchitect have released an exclusive tutorial that dives into the real-time capabilities of V-Ray and Vantage. This comprehensive video showcases how to seamlessly integrate Vantage into your visualization workflow, enabling users to produce high-quality renders more efficiently. The tutorial covers essential steps like setting up lights, importing assets from Chaos Cosmos, adjusting materials, and creating dynamic camera animations. One of the standout features demonstrated is Vantage’s real-time ray tracing, which allows users to experience smooth rendering while maintaining high visual fidelity. The video also highlights various time-saving techniques, such as working with HDRI maps, using V-Ray’s sun system, and managing multiple lighting setups, all designed to enhance your project’s realism. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/345341d6-real-time-workflow-with-v-ray-and-vantage
  6. In a recent video from RenderRam, Vjeko explores the potential of the new Conform Modifier in 3ds Max 2024.2, specifically aimed at making plant leaves bend realistically when they touch walls. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/72c0ff17-renderram-takes-on-3ds-max-2024-2-s-conform-modifier
  7. If are having trouble using Quixel Megascans with 3ds Max 2024 because you can't seem to install Bridge properly, then you're not alone. In this video, Ciro Sannino describes how to overcome that limitation and keep using the great assets from the Megascans in your workflow. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/1c857eea-megascans-3ds-max-2024-my-solution
  8. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to render more dynamic and visually appealing Metal Shaders using 3ds Max and V-Ray 7 (applicable to older versions like V-Ray 5, NEXT, and beyond). https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/123e0d26-better-metal-shaders-for-studio-lighting
  9. In this tutorial, the YouTube channel Fusion Brew demonstrates how to transform standard 2D footage, whether CG or live-action, into a dynamic 3D scene. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/156cba1c-turn-2d-footage-into-3d-scenes
  10. The Autodesk M&E YouTube Channel has recently released a series of tutorials on creating procedural animations with 3ds Max, designed to enhance the realism of any 3D environment. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/e7b518ff-bring-3d-environments-to-life-with-procedural-animation
  11. In this new tutorial, Autodesk presents a guided tour of the enhanced functionality available in 3ds Max's new color selector. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/cd0a28d8-the-color-selector-in-3ds-max
  12. Arch Viz Artist just posted a new tutorial on their channel showing how to create an interior scene using 3ds Max and Chaos Corona, from start to finish. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/4e89f09c-interior-visualization-from-start-to-finish-l-3ds-max-corona
  13. Itoosoft released a new series of tutorials showing how to use RailClone and ForestPack to create and to populate parametric balconies on a facade. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/7bee2889-how-to-create-parametric-balconies-in-3ds-max-with-railclone
  14. Achieving photorealistic renders requires innovative techniques, and in this tutorial by Jonas Noell on his YouTube channel, he explores a game-changing approach to HDRI dome integration. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/6f638117-custom-hdri-dome-integration-setup-a-step-beyond-v-ray-s-native-tools
  15. Chaos has just published an interesting article by their Head of Innovation, Vlado Koylazov, explaining the new V-Ray Luminaires system and how this new method rapidly renders complex light fixtures in a fraction of the time. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/235e76ac-v-ray-luminaires-dramatically-faster-more-accurate-rendering-of-complex-light-fixtures
  16. Unlock the full potential of your architectural visualizations with our latest tutorial: "More than a Photo: Gaussian Splats in V-Ray 7 are AMAZING!" Discover how to seamlessly integrate 3D models into real-world environments using Gaussian splats, a cutting-edge feature in V-Ray 7. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/8a2d7069-more-than-a-photo-gaussian-splats-in-v-ray-7-are-amazing
  17. Corona Slicer is a powerful tool that lets you cut geometries effortlessly—no need for complex booleans. In this tutorial, Ciro Sannino demonstrates how to use this tool to quickly cut through a wall, delivering impressive results in no time! https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/b5cd520d-corona-slicer-tutorial
  18. In this video, Jake Denham shows us how to leverage on the highly-detailed information you can get from Gaussian splats to improve your 3D scene with V-Ray 7. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/cdc4fce8-how-to-render-gaussian-splats-in-v-ray-7-for-3ds-max
  19. In the latest Ask ITOOSOFT stream, viewers took a deep dive into the new features of Forest Pack 9, focusing heavily on Forest Ivy, a tool introduced to create climbing plants within the software. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/a7b90354-new-forest-pack-9-features-explored-in-latest-itoosoft-stream
  20. In this session, special guests Luis Inciarte and Robin Walker from Narrativ demonstrate how they used Corona 12 and Vantage to create stunning animations, offering practical insights and showcasing the power of these tools in real-world projects. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/640fd6c1-corona-12-chaos-vantage-webinar
  21. Our friend Ciro Sannino (Learn Corona Renderer) just published a brand new tutorial on lighting using Corona. In this video, he'll teach you how to setup a scene light by light, to achieve a photorealistic result. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/ffc7930f-corona-lighting-tutorial
  22. Another very interesting tutorial by asART 3D and Motion Graphics. This time, they show how you can use tyFLOW to create a complex office ceiling. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/e6f00055-tyflow-for-archviz-object-replacement
  23. AI is here to stay, but how can it impact the everyday life of freelancers? In this article I list the main aspects that can dramatically change the way freelancers operate, and how it can reshape their business positioning. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/7614abf0-archviz-freelancers-4-ai-game-changers
  24. While most architectural renderings today strive for photorealism, non-photorealistic renderings (NPR) have long been a valuable alternative for communicating designs at earlier stages or helping architects iterate their ideas without the detailed effort required for precise materials, colors, and models. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/570f907b-artistic-modes-in-enscape
  25. asART 3D and Motion Graphics has just released a new tutorial on how to use RailClone's core features to create a parametric fence with custom 3D assets. The best part? The tutorial uses RailClone Lite, the free version of RailClone, making it accessible to everyone. https://www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/78109bc8-rail-clone-essentials
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