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Found 6 results

  1. So textures on curved surfaces have always been funky in Sketchup, and I can't seem to get this one to work properly. The problem is that I'm working with a cylinder with two different radii at each end. So the typical method of mapping a texture to the cylinder surface results in the texture being rotated from a point and curves up as it wraps the shape. Any thoughts on how to make this work? Here are samples of the shape and the texture.
  2. Hey folks, Just need a generic wooden floor tile, high quality, free for non commercial. Nothing too crazy. Just need high res. Every free texture site seems to not have decent floors, you generally have to pay a pretty penny for them. Or should I be using the free tile plugin from CG-Source? Haven't tried it yet.
  3. Studio/Institution: GWJARCHITEKTUR Genre: Residential Exterior Software: cinema 4d, vray, lightroom Website: http://www.gwj.ch Description: Hello there, could not post anything for quite a time now, many projects I had where not ready to go public. Since they are now I start with this little House here. If you may ask, why there are no people in the image, I tried to put some in, but somehow it destroyed the mood.....so thats for that. cheers Yama
  4. Studio/Institution: Personal Client: N/A Genre: Commercial Interior Software: 3DS Max - 2011 - Mental Ray Description: This is an image I've been working on for fun. Found a photograph of a nice kitchen so I tried to recreate it. I'm sorry that I don't have the reference image as it only exists as a hard copy (to the best of my knowledge). I'll try to scan it next week for comparison. C&C would be appreciated. (ps I realize that I went off the deep end with the glare)
  5. Studio/Institution: DMR Digital Visualizations Genre: Residential Exterior Software: 3ds Max - Vray - Photoshop Website: http://www.dmrdesigns.com.ar Description: Old work for a client with some personal changes. I hope you like it.
  6. I have a client that has provided some floor textures for me to put into an existing scene. The only problem is, it's only ONE wooden floor board. He's given me two textures and wants to see them in a photorealistic environment. So, I gave him a render of mine (family / kitchen area of my demo house) and then changed the flooring material a few different times to show him how straight forward it is. I used ProMaterials in my example renders for him and did a tile, a wooden floor, and carpet. He thought it was great. Now, however, he's given me two ever-so-slightly different wooden floor boards and wants to see them in my existing scene. I can barely tell the two patterns apart - there must be something that is very industry specific about them that I am not aware of. I've applied it to the floor, but it tiles something aweful. My concern: if I go in and muck around in photoshop, making the canvas bigger, copying a piece here and a piece there, I wonder if that will 'lose' the special qualities of the floor material. This is an incredibly low-bid job because he said he had floor tiles. Tiles. I took it to mean square kitchen tiles. The proposal never mentioned me photoshopping anything. I've e-mailed him 3 typical floor board texture JPGs to show him the variation in the material, and voiced some concerns over me photoshopping the single, thin board texture he's given me. I've asked if he can provide a more varied texture. Question: Err... what should I do? Should I try to make a texture from this single piece of wood (which I'm not allowed to show anyone, for fear the Commies might steal their ..er.. wood pattern..?)? Should I give him the renders he asked for and ignore the tiling? Language is an issue as well. Sigh.
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