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  1. Hi, Do any of you guys have a smooth workflow solution for changing the image aspect ratio? In a scene with many different cameras it would be nice to automatically change this depending on the what camera is in use. Cheers Christoffer
  2. It's a matter of choice if you want to go for HDRI or vraySun as exterior lighting. Both will give you reflections of a blue sky. I always model the nearby surroundings which will be shown in windows reflections.
  3. Try switching to 2d mapping, see if that can narrow it down.
  4. It would be nice to see what the displace map looks like. I'm not really sure of your problem here. Is it because the bricks seem to go in inward instead of outward? Are all normals correct?
  5. Still your camera angle is bad. Re-read Francisco's post. Your camera does not have to be in eye height, I would prefer it lower than that.
  6. Feels like you are four meters tall. Lower the camera to eye height and put on some vertical shift.
  7. Displacement is your best friend sometimes. If you got the time, geometry is always very nice, but a well made and placed displacement map can be equally good and a great timesaver. I would recommend you to try the floor generator. It's very nice but has it's limitations. For better answers than mine, please describe what kind of wall/facade you are trying to achieve.
  8. I would like you to play with the reflection fresnel turned ON and a value around perhaps 10-20. I think your counter is too reflective on every side to appear realistic. Try mixing the diffuse map with the reflection map in the reflection slot, as the diffuse texture clearly has some reflection already in it. I could see you mixing in another texture in the bump slot as well. The counter you want to illustrate has a variated smooth bump surface. The counter needs to reflect more yellowish light. One way to fake this is to make the reflection color hue a bit more yellow. Perhaps this will fix itself when you turn on fresnel reflections? Hope I make any sense.
  9. If you want to learn advanced old n dirty texturing this is it: http://viscorbel.com/shop/creating-old-n-dirty-vray-material/
  10. As for the gravel, XOIO released a free gravel map pack with displacement. You should check that out!
  11. Allright, either try to increase the hsph samples and decrease the interp samples to give irradiance map a change to go more detail OR try and check the "check sample visibility" box. Or try both examples. Hopefully it will render better. If the irradiance map slows down because of this, try a custom setup in which you use min/max as -6/-3. That usually works fine fore me. Cheers!
  12. This is probably because of bad GI calculation. Try change the Irradiance settings. What's your settings there? As for future troubleshooting, render all elements and try to locate in which element the problem occurs. Then it's easier to find where the problem might come from.
  13. Just to be very clear.... are you sure Don't affect colors are unticked? Ok, just saw your post, nevermind!
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