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Found 5 results

  1. Hello Everyone, Looking for an answer from a PRO USER of 3Ds Max 2021 and Vray (6.10.08) I have this scene with 5 cameras, want to render animations. Setting primary engine to Brute force and 2nd engine to Light cache. Pre-calculated LC for each moving camera. Now I want to do batch rendering with their respective LC selected, and output required in EXR 32-bit so I could comp it easily in NUKE using cryptomatte. If I do the rendering in Targa, else I will have to render wire, Zdpeth, AO passes separately for each camera, this was an old method of doing it, which takes ages to get final output. Please suggest how to do it, is it even possible to do it in 3ds max ? Thanks
  2. Script for saving 3ds Max files to the previous version in batch mode. https://3d-kstudio.com/forum/trackscripts-news/batch-save-3ds-max-files-to-previous-version/
  3. Overnight Batch Render is a simple yet powerful batch rendering tool for 3dsMax, capable to process multiple scene files sequentially on a single computer. Overnight can handle multiple scene files, multiple cameras per scene and even different scene states, working together with 3dsMax built-in Batch Render tool. Easily add your max files to the Render Queue, either during the working day or at the end of it, and fire the render just before you leave. It has the ability to suppress warning messages, that usually show up when opening or rendering new scenes, avoiding interruptions in the rendering process. You can override the output size, filename and frame range for all your renders from a single place. Very useful to quickly test changes, render previews or generate thumbnails of your files. Never lose a rendered image! The plugin prevents file overwriting and auto-saves renders with missing output filenames. This is a commercial script for Autodesk 3ds Max 2015 and higher. Website: http://www.splinedynamics.com/overnight-batch-render/
  4. Hello, I hope this is not a rare request because I can't believe I am the only one who need this. So.. usually I leave the office with the batch render process running. Camera Batch Render does the job just fine with saving the images and I also set a post-render script to shutdown the workstation and the render nodes. Anyway, I also would like to receive an email notification after the render is done. The reason for this is there been a couple of times that I came back to work in the morning to find out no rendering was done because a power blackout interrupted the entire process.. So anyone have an idea how to makes this or have a working script?
  5. Hello, I have a client who is seeking to have a significant Arch Viz project completed: Digital walkthroughs for hundreds of homes. This will involve beginning with a basic 3D CAD drawing, texturing, populating with furniture, lighting, and rendering. We aren't concerned about rendering because we have a farm, but what does concern us is how to turn around hundreds of home CAD drawings with all of these steps in any sort of logical time period? Does anyone have any idea of some kind of batch processes can help through the workflow for project like this? Is there some sort of automation tool that can help us to make leaps and bounds of progress without 100% manual labor? By my estimates, if they need 400 homes - with a team of 5, and each person completes a home every two days... it could easily take a team of five people: six months. That's IF they can knock out one every two days. Any help is appreciated!
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