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Found 9 results

  1. Hi there, I'm having issues with a render of mine. I'm trying to hide a forest created by forest pack but keep the shadows, but when i turn off the "visibility to camera" option i still seem to get the outline of the trees. (look at image attached) Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks Michael
  2. Hi All, Check out this new Video tutorial on how to quickly create photorealistic grass, shrubs, curbs and trees using, iToo Forest Pack and Railclone, with 3ds max and Vray. Also, an amazing script called "Auto Render Element VRayLightSelect" was used to automatically create multiple VRayLightSelect render elements in the 3d scene. The Video is full HD (1920×1080) with custom captions/subtitles. http://jamiecardoso-mentalray.blogspot.com/2018/09/forest-pack-railclone-vraylightselect_5.html Ta J
  3. Hello chaps, quick question about Forest Pack, is there any way to install all the FP libraries/Presets on the Server insted of the local machine? Thanks in advance for your help. Best, Dan
  4. Hello chaps, I am strugling in forest pack to find a way to populate balconies with some plants, example, I have 38 balconies but when I try to scatter or paint the objects just on a couple of balconies I can see the cloud point meshes, the others are completly empty even if I play with scale and density, any suggestion? Thanks in advance. Dan
  5. I am working on projects involving imaginary cities. These would often be on non-flat surfaces (like going up a mountain). So what I currently do is create a bunch of instances of simple building geometry, either manually distributed or with the "scatter" compound object. When I want a "line" of buildings, such as along a street, I use a plugin called PropLine. Once I have them where I want in top view, I then use the "scripted glue" plugin to drop them down to the mountain geometry. This becomes less tenable and rather tedious when dealing with very large/complex/distant scenes, however. It can be difficult to tell how exactly they are going to fall onto the mountain with my current approach, and performance can get laggy very quickly with the likes of Propline. What I really want to do is "spray paint" my buildings directly in the viewport, with lots of control over rotation, size variability, clumping-without-overlapping, flipping, and also the option for billboarding. Whatever it takes not to weigh down an already hypercomplex scene. I definitely still want to add groups of plants as well, but getting a "natural forest distribution" is lower on my priority list. I'd rather have options for "irregular grid" patterns that are more common in city maps. BTW, I have already tried Carbon Scatter for Max awhile back and it was terrible, causing constant crashes and not appearing to have many options (although hard to tell just how limited it was due to the crashing). I'm now looking at "MultiScatter" and "Forest Pack Pro." It does seem that with these, I'm paying for all the "natural" forest capabilities, which is less of my priority. I'm also a freelancer just breaking into this space, so funds are limited, but I'll still shell out $$$ if I really have to in order to accomplish this goal. So if you know of a good plugin/native workflow for this purpose, I'm all ears. I'm in Max 2015, BTW. Thanks!
  6. Hello, I am using 3ds max 2015 (with sp3) with vray 3.2 and itoo forest pack to create some vegetation in my scene. After i created several forest pack objects, and suddenly while working on the scene, i notice that some forest pack objects suddenly stopped rendering. They show in the viewports, and i can modify them and everything, except, they suddenly stopped rendering. So i had to delete them and redo them. Then after a time of working, again suddenly they stopped rendering. Any clews ? i noticed that they stopped working by order of creation (the oldest forestpack objects stop working first) .. I hope i dont have to upgrade to 3ds max 2016 to solve this problem Any help would be appreciated Sincerely Hadi
  7. Hi. Our studio in Czech republic decided to sell 2 Forest Pack licences for 75% of a price. i.e. 190€ each. Licences are for 3 years from 7.7.2016 to 7.7.2019 If anyone is interested, please contact me.
  8. Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone's interested in buying forest pack pro? Since buying 2 or more licences at the same time gives us 25% off. So it'll be a win-win for both of us. Please let me know if anyone's interested. I'll be possibly posting this in other forums if I didn't get any answer, but thanks anyway for reading. CGarchitectUser
  9. Hello everyone, I intend to invest into an vegetation plug-in, as I have to do some exterior work. I am currently looking at three competeing products: Onyx, GrowFX and AutoGrass. I would be thankful if someone in the know would be kind enough to comment on following issues: 1. if I get Onyx or GrowFX is it sensible to get AutoGrass as well, or will this be doing a redundant job? 2. how does GrowFX currently compare to the Onyx Super Bundle? As I understand GrowFX is cheaper, appears to have a better support and allows to animate growth, while the Onyx package produces slightly better models. Is there any more to it? 3. how stable are both packages with the aforementioned versions of MAX? 4 (Bonus question) I am also thinking about getting a scatter solution (mainly for use with vray proxies). Which scatter would you recommend? Where do you see the main limitations of the scripts/plugins and which scatterer would you recommend (if I go for a commercial solution, I would be leaning towards Forest Pack as Vray and Multi Scatter seem to get more stick on the forums). Thank you for your input. Regards mkfrommainchester
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