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Found 8 results

  1. This might be the most simple fix but I just cant think what it is, in 3ds max with Vray. The horizon is visible in the box when I render it out, while I want it to be translucent as it is in the scene. Best fix Ive got is making a white plane behind thats invisible to the camera, but that still doesnt make it translucent
  2. Hi.I Have a strange Problem when rendering . Why this message is displayed?
  3. Hi, For one reason or another after reinstalling my vray 3.2. when I try to render using the camera all my renders come out with this silver look. I'll attach an image and my settings.
  4. Hello, I'm a new Vray user. I've only done a couple of rendering projects before, but the rendering times always skyrocket. This time i had it running for 15 hours and it was only done with the prepasses. I used the default indoor rendering setting for very high quality, and the image was 3525 by 2475. The materials i've used have a lot of subdivisions, because the scene is primarily lit with emissive lighting. The floor had to be done with 500 subdivisions to eliminate the light specks. I've allocated 7gb of ram, but it only uses 500 mb for some reason. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated! Kind regards, a stressed out newb. Specs: i7-4790K 4GHz GeForce 760 GTX 4GB 8GB Ram
  5. Hello guys, Im working for a while now in a bedroom scene. I modelled everything and all the materials are on the models. I just cannot find the right render settings and light settings, I tried sooooo much. Looked everywhere for lighting tutorials and tried them aswell, i will give me everytime a kind of orange effect. I just cannot get a nice bright scene. My vray sun settings are default. my light settings are now: skylight portal. (I tried to play with the multiplier and the temperature it just wont give me what i want) Any help please, I would really want to finish this render Greetz Kasparovic
  6. Hello Everyone, I'm not sure if this has been attempted before but I went ahead and created a IRC channel on freenode. For those of us who want to get involved the channel is #cgarchitect. The purpose is to ask questions and get answers and generally collaborate in a real time environment. If your not familar with IRC: A great client for windows http://xchat.org/ IRC server: http://freenode.net/ General IRC information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat
  7. Studio/Institution: FARQ Genre: Residential Interior Software: Rhinoceros 4.0 / Vray Description: Hi, I'm new at the forum and with this renders thing, and I'm looking for some help. I'm working on this interior scene but i don't know why blinds look like that ): if you can see in the shadows looks fine, thats how it should look in the blind itself, the render took also 10 hours to complete but that may be because of my PC, it's a little old. For the perforations I'm using a transparency map and I thinks that's all, so f you could help me that would be nice (: Oh, and sorry for the quality of the image, a bigger image would have taken like a whole day xD so, i will wait for your coments, thanks.
  8. I've been using vray for sketchup for quite a while now, for the main reason that I'm really too lazy to export it to max and then reapply textures and do everything all over again. The one thing I found in VRAY for Sketchup is that it's really slow. Not so sure it's meant to have VRAY. I've tried experimenting on ways to try to make renders faster but it seems to no avail. I've had real troubles rendering interiors and get really noisy result at the farthest edges and dirty ones too. I tried increasing shadow subdivs, that makes things slower, adjusting the "subdivs?" in the qmc option again slower. the dirt from the shadow is lessened. I've come to the conclusion that I should probably go back to max (for very obvious reasons) but our office uses sketchup for all the modelling so you see the dilema. I'm not comparing the two well because of the capabilities of each. I know I'm doing something wrong with the renders so could someone please lend a helping hand. I really need tips on making renders faster through settings or modelling techniques. thanks!
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