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Found 5 results

  1. Hi! I'm new at the forum, sorry for my imperfections in english language. Please, help me with my problem. I'm trying to set up IES lights in my scene, something went wrong (look at attached image), effect is unreal, I was trying to increse the value in lumens, but effect still looks not good. Somebody has the same problem? Please help me!
  2. Hi, i'm new using vray for SU and i have a problem to see the IES lights in the render... I download several .ies samples from diferents web sites, I increment up to 50,000,000 the power, and still not working. I´m sure that the problem its simple but i cant fix it. kind regards
  3. Hi guys, We would like your opinion on this situation: We are working on a project with interior scenes having 100+ ies photometric lights; materials are mostly glass (opaque and transparent) mirror, and marble. The client gave us the ies lights that we have to use and the final output should be realistic in terms of the lighting plan that they designed. Output size is suitable for printing, A2 to A1. Can you suggest an efficient setup without taking up 100+ rendering hours? Our rigs: Quad 2 core, 8 mb ram, vcard: Radeon Force3D HD 4670. Software: 3ds Max 2011 64bit, Vray 1.5 thanks
  4. I have been using IES light profiles from Lithonia and I am trying to make a 4' long T-8 lamp, but it always has a hotspot in the center. I want the light to fill evenly across the 4' lamp, how do I remove the hotspot from the center of the I've adjusted the cutoff and shadow bias but I can't quite get it the way I want.
  5. What is the best approach to lighting an interior space? I have a room that is illuminated from recessed flourscent fixtures and recessed ceiling lights. The images look okay but not spectacular. Should I have a generic IES ambient light in my space also or should the room be illumiated by just the many direct lights in the space? I am using a vray camera, iso400, f8 and film speed 140. Thanks, Mike
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