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Found 6 results

  1. Which software do you use to scroll through your images when searching for a texture, reference photos etc.? Have you tried many other, and why did you stay with the one you're using now? I tried many, but I couldnt find the right one, that fits my working habits. Thanks!
  2. Hello CG World, I am in the process of starting my first business, and would appreciate some feedback on the legal aspect of things. In a nutshell, the business will provide digital documentation (images/drawings) of existing spaces (mostly rental properties) to be used in the marketing and advertising of said space. A couple things I need to consider: 1) Requiring written credit (to me) with all usages of the image 2) Fee - flat rate per image, or royalty/usage based fee? (I'm guessing flat rate) 3) Copyright Release or Usage Agreement? (Artist License Agreement?) 4) Examples or templates of contracts that I can modify for my use Any other thoughts on this would be well appreciated. Thanks!
  3. Hello, I find it hard to solve this, does anyone know why it is blurring the final .JPG format after saving from V-Ray Frame buffer? 10X a lot! Andreea
  4. Hi all! One of our work (http://www.cgarchitect.com/2012/09/modern-villa2) has been stolen and used without permission or copyright in this website http://apexsmartcontrol.com/ (the 8th image). I wrote the email address of the website but no responses taken. Also contacted the person who has designed website. He responds back where he say it is not his responsibility the website's content but only the develop and design, but hi give me the email of the owner of the website. I wrote to him but no respons! What can i do?
  5. For some reason when i render with vray with same settings i've always used and has worked, I am now getting a almost full blue/neon like looking render and im not sure what i am doing wrong. any help would be greatly appreciated thanks
  6. Hi I am an architecture student who needs help before a review. I am using rhino with a maxwell plugin. All I am trying to do is add an image to a maxwell material which I can then tile and make transparent so I can just see the objects behind it. I have tried every option from reflectance, transmittance, nd, roughness, attenuation and mapping the image in each category with no results. All I would like to know is what are the settings and steps to map a jpeg image into a material and then have it be transparent (the same transparency level as like a photoshop image at 70 percent opacity). The surface has no thickness but can go up to 1" if it has to have a thickness for attenuation or whatnot. I really appreciate the help this could save my tons of hours photoshopping. Thanks
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