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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I wish to convert many imported .iges files into quality meshes with the ability to select edge loops. These .iges files come into Max as "body objects." I am not given any settings when I import, they just come in. The software they came from ("Gravity Sketch VR") didn't give me any exporting options either. So, while in Max, while I can "convert to editable poly" or apply a "turn to poly" modifier, the resulting mesh is very poor for editing with my usual workflow. I cannot select edge loops, and the mesh is in triangles. I also find that none of the "turn to poly" modifier settings make a difference. Quadrify also didn't do anything to the triangles. I thought that perhaps "Polynurbs 1.0" could do the trick, but body objects aren't NURBS so it doesn't work... This looks promising for turning them into NURBS, but is almost $200 and I'm not 100% sure it would do what I want. It seems like this should be natively possible somehow... I'm in Max 2015. This person is recommending Rhino for a body-object-to-nurbs step, which I will consider a last resort, since I don't have Rhino and was not prepared to buy/learn it right now. But I will also do what I have to to make good use of these .iges files, too. Any advice/strategies? Thanks. Edit: Here's an image example of the weird topology I get after converting to edit poly directly in Max...
  2. I'm working on some "high concept architecture" renderings that started with a series of irregular vector floors, currently in spline form. I want to create a solid surface that seamlessly blends the floors together on the outside. In other words, creating a continuous mesh such that each spline is a cross section of it. I tried converting all the splines to NURBS, attaching them, then using U Loft, which ended up being a tedious mess (although I'm a NURBS noob and potentially missing something). It seems that since they are a bunch of little curve segments rather than one continuous one, things are not matching up. I have tried the "Convex hull" maxscript, but it is extremely slow and prone to crashing on the more complex shapes. I can only do one "floor" at a time, and even then, it ignores crevices for a crude, polygonal look. A script called "Encapsulator" seems like it would do the trick, but just instacrashes Max. I'm open to other software at this point. Any guidance appreciated here!
  3. Hello there, I use rhino for modelling and 3dmax for rendering. I am about to step up to max 2012/13 and am wondering weather to upgrade my 'rhino2max' plugin or...... ...Just go with the integrated 'connection extension software' which I assume is part of any new max release (or is it only part of the subscription package??) I know little about the connection extension package (other than it is made by nPower), and as its free, it seems I could save some money just using this to import my rhino 3d geometry into max? Or does anyone know any better packages for importing Rhino into Max than rhino2max? Thanks! BG
  4. hello everybody, I'm trying to convert a file that has been done with sketchup to rhino. every way that i tried gave me the file in mesh ( in rhino). is there any way that i can convert the file of sketchup to nurbs 3dm?? really need help, thanx Amit
  5. RenderGin (formerly known as Augenblick MMV) has been unleashed. It is an extremly fast and yet easy to use rendering application. Most outstanding is its capability to render extremly large scenes with multi millions of polygons with ease. A free public beta version can be downloaded directly from http://www.numenus.de/download_en.html This version is not feature limited. Feel free to download RenderGin and give it a try. Of course we would love to hear your opinion and see some awesome renderings of yours.
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